is his name "anonymous"?
a bunch of password managers (i.e. 1password) do this for you
or, ya know, use a downloader and save that content just like any other streamer.
Perhaps he should just buy Meta.
Also, Dix is great for picnics, and they're planning a playground in the next few years
Sassafras All Children's Playground at Laurel Hills Park, On Edwards Mill Rd near Crabtree. Amazing park. They're remaking the community center tho.
"Kids Together Playground" off SE Cary Pkwy between 64 and Tryon Road.
Eh, I got hit+ran in cary 16 years ago, it was nice to have the report, but the insurance did the work.
yea, if there's no serious injury then I completely agree.
... not calling these "humorous injuries"...
yea, and is saying 91, so I wonder why they think it will be so much hotter, but everyone seems to think today (Monday) will be hotter than sunday or tuesday, with a higher chance of severe weather.
consistent enough for my gold fish... what's the problem? /s
also, 'df -i'. probably not this case but...