Sure, the sky is the limit. You could also just get a motherboard, processor, and power supply, plug everything in and shove it in whatever container you want.
The biggest thing to worry about is DIMM vs SODIMM. The latter is much smaller, and probably what most mini PCs will use. So if you have full sized DIMM RAM, you might have trouble finding a mini PC that will work.
And even if it is the right size, you'll still want to make sure that your motherboard supports your specific RAM clock speeds.
Plenty of barebones mini PC's that you can get for relatively cheap (under $200 or even close to $100). "Barebones" is a good keyword to search for because that means it doesn't include RAM and a drive.
Look for an N100 or N200 processor if you want something that's very small and power efficient (but it won't be powerful enough for many games). Or, look for whatever fits your budget.
Edit: Oh! And make sure whatever you get is compatible with your RAM! What type of RAM do you have?
Yeah, Android had that advantage LATER, when they got their shit together. But when the iPhone initially released, it changed the game.
Sure, a browser minus Flash, but it was still a real browser. Most of the web functioned without Flash. And none of the competition even had anything close. It was such a revolutionary product that the iPhone didn't even HAVE competition until Android got its shit together, which took a couple years.
Kind of depends on how you interpret "entry level". It's debatable, but I'd personally consider your build a "budget" or "entry" build at this point, in late 2024. And that's coming from somebody who has a very similar setup (Ryzen 5 3600 and RX 6600).
Right, but it's best to call that "source available" so the pedants don't crucify you 🙄
Fair, they do shit like that. But this case was about app stores specifically, and they haven't allowed alternate app stores since day one.
A monopoly is inherently abusive. It abuses centralized power to gain more power. But I would argue that Apple built their monopoly "honestly" from the ground up, and from day one the rules haven't changed. Google started with an open platform, and sneakily changed the rules and made deals to get their monopoly.
Both are objectively bad. But Google's method was more open to legal scrutiny, in hindsight.
It literally created the modern smartphone market. The Palm Pilots and Blackberries of the day couldn't compare: the iPhone had a FULL BROWSER. It was insane. The team developing Android saw the iPhone and had a real "holy shit" moment, they had to go back to the drawing board and completely start over in order to compete.
Right, it's trying to highlight unread comments but it's bad at doing that job. Lol.
Does this mean the hackers and cheaters will only get worse from here?