
joined 9 months ago
[–] Pacattack57 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Hmmm I wonder how accurate this is. It’s very hard to believe that 75% of Americans read below a 6th grade level. Not sure if that’s a testament to how good 6th graders read or not. Or is that 54% inclusive of those that are also illiterate?

[–] Pacattack57 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Can’t help but feel like you’re mansplaining how women are underrepresented and that your favorite female led shows and movies should be more appreciated and men are cancers.

It really is very simple. Well written shows and movies do well. Good actors/actresses make a well written movie better. It doesn’t matter if it’s men and women. I’m no expert but the majority of female led movies are poorly written and the actresses act bad but that may be because of the writing. That also doesn’t mean there aren’t good female movies that do well.

Where much of this marketing goes wrong is the studios try to take something that’s male led and change it to be female led. That will obviously not go well for an audience that preferred the male led material.

[–] Pacattack57 15 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

As a parent this is extremely disturbing. Not only for the topic but that the child felt the need to take her own life instead of asking for help.

On the other side I am very involved with my children and ask them constantly how school is going. If they are having issues they always tell me so I can help. My concern is the daughter did not feel like her parents would help which is why she did not tell them. She would rather take her life. These parents need to take a hard look at why their daughter didn’t want to come to them either this. My heart goes out to the family.

[–] Pacattack57 44 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

At a recent gaming expo one of the tables was showing a new game for pc. 50% of the kids that approached the table didn’t know how to use mouse and keyboard. The next day they added Xbox controller support and more than half of the people that didn’t know before then were able to figure out how to play.

I think this boils down to not education but poverty. Entry level computers cost way more than an entry level console. Sure you can buy a piece of crap laptop for $250 but it won’t be able to play ANYTHING. A $250 Xbox does everything you need and more. Most games today are not made to be played on $250 computers.

[–] Pacattack57 13 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Much of Americas idea of financial security is not living paycheck to paycheck.

[–] Pacattack57 58 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

I vote we let Boeing design a brand new plane for Trump. Make sure it has all the bells and whistles. Add a co pilot seat for Musk.

[–] Pacattack57 2 points 2 weeks ago

It’s more likely all the on the fence voters which accounted for at least 25% of the vote are seeing that they made a mistake and are trying to correct it.

[–] Pacattack57 15 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Too little too late Mike. The guy tried to have you killed and you still wouldn’t campaign against him with Kamala.

[–] Pacattack57 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I don’t really have a favorite mostly because I just started the game and haven’t tried them all yet. Right now I’m partial to the western star. After unlocking all the upgrades for it it’s very good and extremely versatile.

[–] Pacattack57 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Glad to have a place to post my blunders. Any way you can make it to where we can upload videos directly?

I can upload my clips to YouTube but it takes longer.

[–] Pacattack57 7 points 2 weeks ago

I think that has more to do with what’s popular. When the Ukraine war first started TikTok had a ton of pro Ukraine content.

[–] Pacattack57 4 points 2 weeks ago

It really doesn’t matter if the Chinese were pushing more Palestine content. News is news. Just like MAGAts want to live in an echo chamber on Faux News, others want to have a more liberal news source.

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