
joined 1 year ago
[–] OwlPaste 4 points 11 hours ago (3 children)

You really gotta count how many cheap boat Ukrainians lost trying to sink 60 ships. Ofc they (suicide boats) are much, much, much cheaper and cause no crew casualties being remotely controlled. So it is super cost effective, And most importantly safe, but if you count pure numbers i am sure Ukrainian losses of those boats are massively higher.

But the fact that russians can still use their missles ships to launch missiles is a big issue. Even if there are fewer of those ships, its not 0 :(... Yet

[–] OwlPaste 6 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Those right hand fingers are making me think of salad fingers...

[–] OwlPaste 1 points 6 days ago

Perfectly adequate retort to a vague accusation... /s

[–] OwlPaste 22 points 6 days ago

Good job, wish more places done this

[–] OwlPaste 3 points 6 days ago
[–] OwlPaste 20 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Nah its your own fault that you can't afford to live in the underground pleasure palace bunker for the 0.01%< should have had fewer avacado Sandwiches.


[–] OwlPaste 20 points 1 week ago (5 children)

This is awful, who thought that writing sattelites and numbers upside down makes sense?

[–] OwlPaste 7 points 1 week ago

These look handy, didn't know about half thanks!

[–] OwlPaste 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Under the video

[–] OwlPaste 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Joke comments from people who never fucking lived in the east. They are welcone to go and fuck off to their glorious god putler and join the meatgrinder on the other side. I for once welcome opposite of emigration of right wing maga idiots. Lets see them live in the glorious ussr and enjoy it.

"Finest air defence in the world" that cannot stop a few drones... What a joke.

[–] OwlPaste 2 points 1 week ago

For someone unfamiliar with mascots it was informative but i really hate how nearly every segment was "blah blah was by far the worst blah blah". Far too repetitive but interesting

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by OwlPaste to c/[email protected]

Got a small walking treadmill, that now became a fire hazard, rhe motor is sparking, but replacing it seems not feasible as i cannot get a replacement part (the company stopped existing a while ago and doesn't seem like a main manufacturer). And it seems a slightly more permanent installation than not.

So looking to scrap it, but how to scrap it in London without a car? Council bulk pickup seems not to mention anything about fitness equipment and neither does the "not so local" recycling centre, tried calling it but the number goes nowhere. Its a fair trip on a taxi if i wanted to bring it to the centre and not a straightforward walk either.

So the question is, how to scrap it? Contacted a random "local" company that mentioned picking up gym equipment but they quoted £200, which is more than the bloody thing cost!

Going to email the council, but anything else i can try?


Using react router and have a route definition:

       path: '/',
       element: <Root pageTitle={pageTitle} />,
       errorElement: <ErrorPage setPageTitle={updatePageTitle} />,
       children: [
             path: '*',
             element: <ErrorPage setPageTitle={updatePageTitle} />,
             loader: async () => {
                throw new Response('Not Found', { status: 404 });

This shows me 404 page how I want but without the rest of the root element but also the http status is reported as 200. How do I properly throw it as a 404 and show it inside root element?


Say I have a Films library

Is it possible to make a shortcut on the left hand side menu to a specific tag or collection from this library? I was not able to find this option.

And a side question, if I have media in multiple languages, whats the best way of signalling it? Via tags of some kind? Or {edition- labelling?


submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by OwlPaste to c/cat

Cat recharging in the sun https://imgur.com/a/MgsUN8W


Picture of a road sign swallowed by a tree.

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