Remember that admittedly low bar I mentioned? He clears it easily it's not even a competition. The fact that he hasn't given the middle finger to every union puts him ahead of the rest.
Okay I'm not a big fan of the guy either but calling him basically Reagan is super disingenuous. He's without a doubt the most pro-labor president we've had in my lifetime which is admittedly a low bar but he is far from Ronald Reagan.
Try going on Uncletopia servers. The skill jump is kind of high but it fits what you're looking for. I consider it a casual+ experience.
Aho! I'm watching it right now and it's fantastic, I just started season 3 yesterday. Almost certainly going to be my show of 2024 because it's easily better than anything I watched in 2023.
Just out of curiosity what's preventing you from getting a refillable setup? You can get refillable, rechargable vapes for about $10 more than a single disposable and it'll probably save you money within the month depending on how much you use it.
Yeah but even dedicated elder scrolls fans aren't going to go back and play through arena and daggerfall. Morrowind definitely feels old but from my perspective still feels very playable and understandable from a modern context. Daggerfall and arena are a different beast entirely and are a little more intimidating for the average gamer.
I know in some places (EU) and maybe even some American states that law does exist, however judging by the truck and the cop car this image was taken in the south. In my home state of Georgia the only requirements to register a vehicle are two headlights, two taillights and turn signals on the front, back and rear. That's literally it. I have actually seen boats driving down the road sitting on top of a truck chassis. In fact those rules get even more lax if the vehicle only has three or less wheels in which it only needs 1 light and 1 brake with turn signals in the front and back.
Ctrl+Shift+Escape open task manager directly. Very useful hotkey
Why block those instances out of curiosity? I think one of the best features of Lemmy is federating with other types of social media, and it is really exciting to me when a new, good, website appears. What's your perspective on this?
Okay I can look past the weird beaver hands or the lack of back legs but the teeth being behind the branch is a step too far
Yeah I was looking at Lemmy before a lecture and that image took up half my screen. If you're in doubt it's best to just tag it.
Thankfully insulin has been called to $35 a month, thanks Joe Biden!