I think you're doing what I found I was doing a little while ago. Concentration is the ability to bring yourself back to what you ultimately want to do. Absorption is the exclusion of all else. I think you want absorption and your concentration is likely fantastic. Most people concentrate really well and don't realize it.
joined 2 years ago
Thanks. I'll check it out.
I wish there were more options.
Are there any simple instructions. I swear everything is seen just goes over my head.
Hi dad!
I wanted to use thinner threads to potentially make book marks with.
I have heard intermittent fasting helps a lot with stubborn health issues. Might be worth trying out.
I'm not sure what you're asking but I'll hazard a guess. I made the .5mm hook much smaller by sanding it down with 220 sand paper and then using the hard edge of some stainless steel scissors I polished it smooth. Then I used a pocket knife to shape the inside of the hook. The loops you see here my hook can fit into them. I just need a better pair of magnifying lenses now so it's easier to see.
Ah. Thanks!!
Actually fucking God is a bad idea.