You're missing one season which isn't very plot heavy.
I'm not a gas stove purist but I just wanted to put forth a point which I don't see raised here- my cultural food is quite bit reliant on an open flame for things such as daily bread and the occasional vegetable or meat roasting. I have used an electric stove for it in the past but the results are nowhere close.
My entire country has only ever cooked on gas stoves as far as I know so I would love for this study to also be conducted in my country because I don't know where the adverse effects of gas stoves would have been manifesting in the people around me since I see most people here live full lives.
I don't know if you meant it with a /s or not but I would like to point out the entire rage around early access or alpha releases.
Other than that, having fans do things like these is something I don't think any developer would want to do primarily because contracts ensure accountability. As a developer, I have no way of knowing if the Spanish dub you made of my game is full of racial slurs or not. Similarly, if I launch my PS game on switch in the future, and it's absolutely abysmal, I would be the one on the firing block and rightfully so because I am the one who is bound to make money off of it. Shouldn't that mean I go with someone who has expertise in doing these things?
I personally am not aware of the mana series so I might not fully understand your argument, so you should feel free to educate me, but I believe it might be more of an exception with things going right instead of the countless ways it could go wrong.
I would also like to disclaim that I have no love for publishers and more often than not, they are despicable suits. However, this is the reality of the video games industry which isn't changing in the near future (but I sure hope it does further down the line).
I sort of work in the industry so I feel like publishers are pretty important in getting your game out there. You, as a developer, want to focus your energies in making the best game possible. To make a game successful, there is a whole gamut of tasks which are necessary but are a pain to do such as finding a QA team, finding someone to do localisation, porting your game to other platforms if needed, marketing, and in a good bunch of cases providing funding.
The last part is where things get ugly. Because publishers are the ones who are giving you the money to complete your game, you are naturally beholden to the timelines and goals that they set. Good publishers listen to the developers because good games make good money. Then there are fucks like Sony management here and whoever was at embracer group who have never played a game in the last ten years and are in the position because of their MBA degree. There are a bunch of decent publishers out there like Devolver but naturally they are going to be picky with their titles. For the vast majority, going with whoever is going to give you the money and support is the way forward.
The left and right narrative don't seem to be talking about the same thing
Thanks to FIA for giving us sprint races so we can only have one practice session a week.
I think these are fairly popular in their circles but I will take every opportunity to recommend sleeping dogs and judgement. Played both fairly recently and the plot is amazing and action is satisfying. Highly recommend putting them on your wishlist so you can pick them up on a sale.
How do I DIY rich parents
The post title omits crucial information of what the post is actually about.
I looked at the post because I was surprised that there would be someone out there who didn't expect hospitals to share data. How did they think insurance works?
Every single relevant government office I've been to. How I wish not every single piece of machinery was from 20 years ago.
Tsunoda to AMR as Alonso replacement. Sign me the fuck up for silly season
The last two games were amazing but personally I'm not looking forward to one without Mick Gordon in it.