Congratulations to juul to be able to gather enough money to be able to bribe their local government official
I don't think I agree. Where I stay, we just had a whole month of 47C when ten years ago it used to be around 37C. I'm not saying it will follow the same linear scale but I am saying that there's only so long humans can survive at these temperatures. For the bulk of the population, surviving at these temperatures means spending electricity which means burning more coal which means accelerating warming.
I don't see how I myself am going to survive for ten, fifteen years when my country can no longer grow wheat or vegetables, leave alone future kids of mine.
I usually respect ars technical for writing great stories. This time, however, they could've included the name of the app so it wasn't clickbaity. It's newsbreak for those wondering.
TF do they mean stubbornly popular? My windows 10 works perfectly fine and I have absolutely no reason to change anything about it. What is this weird ass 'if you're not upgrading, you're being stubborn' when there is no reason to and windows 11 looks ass on top of it
Folks we're not Gucci here at all. I stepped out today around sunset but was still got instantly dehydrated. I'm sure crops are going to die and people are going to die independently
Valve and community management are sworn enemies
Why does this club together mangos and mangosteen? They are nothing alike.
Why did he get downvoted lol
If you're looking for a very faithful homam game, songs of conquest does it really well and is pretty cheap.
Knowing nothing about the source, the one movie I know this isn't about is the Angelina Jolie starrer Hackers