Resolved in one day as promised
My dentist: got anything exciting coming up?
Me: Going to Bali in a couple of weeks, you?
Dentist: no, I’m not going to Bali.
These also have the advantage of being nice and quiet, which if you are going to have it in your house rather than a hot garage or whatever can be nice.
I bought a NAS, later realised that it supported Plex and Jellyfin but it was often too slow to do the transcoding. I still use it for storage but there were no real upgrade options. It was cheaper to get an old NUC, rather than replace the NAS with a high spec one to be able to run Jellyfin properly.
USB Superposition
Later in the story it mentions registrations. I wonder if they just registered a heap of them shortly after the government said they were likely going to pause the rebates but before they did. I wonder if all that is now effectively stock they can sell but with the rebate?
Should be investigated either way.
Regarding point 1, he is 71 years old. Certainly not young but Trump is 78, and if he makes it to the end of his term he will be 82…
Better chance than maybe when you can use social media to influence the outcome
Or it could be payment for getting him into power. Cheaper for Putin to convince swinging US voters online and get Trump into office, than sending more Russian’s to the grinder?
Yep, export to CSV, format as desired, save in Excel format?
Might be annoying to format it but I would guess it is easier than having to change data?
Some employees though, not so much
We are already up to the second invasion, in recent times.