Good taste
There are already different gagh types. O my god... That is cheese gagh.
Yesterday from 1 - 3 i was with my family at my parents in law... Guess yes... i was at that lecture about lesser human dignity.
Smal round sour candy... My first French teacher used them ... If you could pronounce : Le bon bonbon napoleon correct you get one.
Mole cricket i would guess. Was looking online for the difference between a mole and jeruzalem cricket.
This ; Jerusalem crickets have huge heads and big pincers. and mole crickets have a lower profile and stay closer to the ground, like moles...
Being bored like hell on a watch a jumping casle untill the kids may enter ... for the glory off the empire!
Wages ... Nowere there is said it is only for the workers you see. Bet the higher ups did got a better pay.
Lol... You did not read what i meant to write. But realy. Lol
That makes me a 0 ... ( Depending what he thinks about te stuff I do cook )
Have been called worser things than a null points. But somehow in this case I see it as a compliment.
In my opinion... All baby animals are kinda cute. Exept about 50 % off birds. They look like they are part off an unholy experiment.
O god that debate again...
Imo at least 975 years to early.