Good. I hope it bricks their hardware.
I read this as 'cause delays for the Polish' and was like, "What did the Polish do?"
I'm looking forward to strikes delaying games. Unironically looking forward to it.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I just didn't like games/am depressed/games are getting BETTER, actually.
Well, would you look at that. I need to make an appropriately degenerate meme to post.
Such a shame... anyway...
Nobody called anybody evil. This isn't about clans. People who live in Russia (ie Russians) will be the ones on the ground doing the invading. Whether they like it or not, they are supporting Putin. It's not really important what's in the heart of Ivan on the ground if he's picking up a rifle or mass producing fasteners used in the construction of tanks.
I'm not convinced it's that important since the Russian people will be the ones affecting the invasion. Dramatic punctuation doesn't change the fact that Putin has been in continuous control of Russia for decades. He's their guy. I think the American public is complicit in genocide of Palestinians. Why would the Russian public get a pass for the misdeads of their government?
Ouch, oof, owie! My bones!
So, it's pretty clear Russia plans to invade other neighbors, right?
You think there is something wrong with guzzling buckets of Donalds cum? Well, if that's wrong, I don't want to be LEFT!
I'm sure she still has friends at the CIA who can find them for her.