Would have been cheaper drinking tap water, and not tasting the sugar monster spunk in your mouth.
They're technically there to ensure the project has the correct resources aligned, and manage the project budget.
Aka if they want timely updates, they can purchase & fetch me coffee! I don't need them, but they sure as hell need me.
Would argue its about control too.
When you control the flow of information, you control how people will use that information.
With more driver assistance features taking vehicle autonomy, I'm honestly surprised they haven't tried to push for this yet.
Its removing hurdles & simplifying the voting process.
People entering higher education should have a chance to shape the country.
People don't have to worry if they're registered to vote when all eligible votes are automatically registered.
The cap on donations ensures parties all have the same level playing field.
That's 1 way to ruin your relationship with your daughter, and the life of a young boy.
That woman should be ashamed.
Duped implies they were deceived by Trump's intentions. They weren't duped, they knew exactly what they were getting when they voted that douchebag in.
They just thought it wouldn't impact them.
I know Valve would never do this...
Surely if the items hold no real-world value, putting it on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time would be the answer. The casinos which depend on Valve can't really sue the loss of the feature, as it's always in Valve's purview to remove it at any point from the game & platform.
If they made it a limited time feature in CSGO in a year, they would still achieve the "stickiness".
I think it's more plausible that the original fridge had broken down, so butter was relocated to an alternative temporary.
The next 4 years are gonna be a blast. Thanks America!
The trauma of 2016-2020 was still raw, but you guys really love sequels!
The Electoral Commission, the political finance watchdog, last week repeated its demand to link donations to the UK profits of the companies used to make them. Farage immediately pounced on the comments, describing the Electoral Commission as “establishment stooges” and suggested that the main parties were fearful of Reform’s rise.
That seems like a sensible idea. I'm assuming it hurts both Labour & Conservatives too though, hence why they're not pursuing it.
Does the arrest go on their record, or are the "charges" completely dropped the next morning?