
joined 1 year ago
[–] NoSpotOfGround 2 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

Why are these posts getting downvoted? I don't get it.

[–] NoSpotOfGround 70 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Citing measurements made at the 1926 Iowa State Fair, they reported that the peak power over a few seconds has been measured to be as high as 14.88 hp (11.10 kW) and also observed that for sustained activity, a work rate of about 1 hp (0.75 kW) per horse is consistent with agricultural advice from both the 19th and 20th centuries [...]

Sounds to me like the 1 hp unit is fair, after all.

[–] NoSpotOfGround 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The unfunnyness is the point, IMO. The sub is an Agrajag-like Cathedral of Hate and masochism dojo rolled into one.

[–] NoSpotOfGround 11 points 1 week ago

Look at that armor belt. The tasteful thickness of it.

[–] NoSpotOfGround 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Even "until the speed of light" has a caveat (hear me out). Would you call getting from A to B in 1 hour on your watch instead of 2 as "faster"? If your answer is yes, then there's no limit to how "fast" you can go. You could get from here to the Andromeda Galaxy in one minute. It's just that for the Andromeda and the Milky Way a LOT more time would have passed.

[–] NoSpotOfGround 8 points 2 weeks ago

Big head-to-body ratio = juvenile features = cute.

[–] NoSpotOfGround 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Thank you for the kind presumption, but I actually fucked it up and scrambled up my geography, @[email protected] was right to correct me. I looked at a map before I wrote that, too, and I still read it wrong. I'm not even sure what i thought was between them...

[–] NoSpotOfGround 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (7 children)

Fun fact I read once: The most common last name in Hungary is not Magyar but actually Horvath. Which in Hungarian means "Croat".

~~And Croatia is not even a directly neighboring country anymore. So it'd be like the most common name in America being Johnny Guatemala~~.

[–] NoSpotOfGround 15 points 3 weeks ago

Agonal breathing is when someone who is not getting enough oxygen is gasping for air. It is usually due to cardiac arrest or stroke. It's not true breathing. It's a natural reflex that happens when your brain is not getting the oxygen it needs to survive. Agonal breathing is a sign that a person is near death.

[–] NoSpotOfGround 3 points 1 month ago

Something moving that fast wouldn't stay "north" of anyone's location long enough for them to finish saying that...

[–] NoSpotOfGround 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

What's the link with Finnish?

[–] NoSpotOfGround 8 points 1 month ago

At least they’d have a new, renewable energy source and reduced energy consumption.

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