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[–] NoEsReal 7 points 1 month ago

Yeah, ads also wouldn’t be an issue if the user was given control about how their data is used to decide on what ads to show them. Users could have an option to opt in to more targeted ads but be able to choose what aspects of their data are taken into account, if at all. Maybe all data sharing is turned off by default, but a user could opt in to ads that interest them like interior decoration, or furniture, or workout equipment, etc… while still being able to ban ads they don’t want to see, like political ads.

[–] NoEsReal 3 points 1 month ago

I’d say this is true, but it isn’t some accidental mind trick that people pull on themselves. It is the core tenet of the right wing narrative to deflect from how capitalism is failing regular people and pin the blame on some progressive boogey man. They blame bad pay and bad jobs on immigrants “stealing” the good jobs, and now POC doing the same through DEI. They tell men it’s not their learned misogyny that is keeping them from a meaningful relationship, no, it’s the feminists with their radical ideas about equality, body autonomy, and safety. And this can go on for every I’ll brought about by the current system. The tough trick though, is that this doesn’t just fool those who believe it, it also keeps those who disagree busy fighting over bigoted bullshit, and makes it nigh impossible to build any sort of coalition

[–] NoEsReal 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Or Rs would pass it and now undocumented folks have an even harder time finding employment. Seems like playing chicken with the livelihoods of undocumented folks

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