And what would Ukraine have to give Putin in return? The thing is Putin started the war! Putin started the war because Ukraine was daring to enter NATO which you could literally only hate if you actually wanted to fuck with some country!
Putin's reasons for starting the invasion was multifold. Ukraine was to cease NATO membership plans; downsize its military forces; forbid foreign countries from hosting military bases; and pay reparations. In return, Ukraine would be allowed to keep all of its territory, Crimea would be negotiable after 10-15 years, they would be allowed to join the EU, AND Russia would allow several NATO members to guarantee Ukraine's soveriengty. This means that Ukraine would get the main benefit of joining NATO (protection) without the ability to act as a base for NATO soldiers and weapons that can be used for offensive purposes against Russia.
NATO looked like the next coming of the Axis powers to Russia and can you blame them? It practically surrounded them. Perhaps you would be more understanding if you would think about what if Mexico, Cuba, and Canada was part of the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War? You can say that this is Russian propaganda and you can be right but you forget that Russia and its people unironically believe in their own propaganda that NATO is out to get them.
TLDR: Russia would have allowed Ukraine to invoke Article 5 if invaded but not base NATO weapons and soldiers during peacetime that can be used for offensive purposes.
Your article basically stated that western countries are not willing to protect Ukraine. So what is the point of Ukraine trying to join NATO? That is the entire reason why this war started alongside Ukraine's violations of Minsk II. So Ukraine could have simply prevented all of this nonsense by simply trying to not join NATO which they won't join anyways.
Also love how you bring up a biased source.
The Budapest Memorandum only applied to the legitimate government of Ukraine. Russia does not consider the government of Ukraine post-Maidan to be legitimate for obvious reasons. Maidan was a violent coup against the democratically elected government with the post-Maidan government launching massacres against anti-Maidan protestors in Eastern Ukraine. It was also first violated by the United States who sanctioned Belarus which was explicity prohibited under the Memorandum.
Minsk I was violated by both sides. Even Ukraine admits this. This is why Minsk II was created because no one followed Minsk I.
Minsk II was violated by Ukraine not Russia. The agreement explicity stated that elections come first and then withdrawal. Ukraine wanted Russia to withdraw first before allowing elections in the DPR and LPR which is against the agreement.
The rest of those agreements are mainly between the US and Russia. Both of them violate it. US continued to develop nuclear weapons despite of the New START Treaty which is one of the reasons why Russia withdrew from it. The US illegitimately removed the accountability under the Treaty about a hundred strategic offensive arms. Both sides violated the Open Skies treaties. Treaties between Russia and the US are irrelvant when talking about Russian treaties with Ukraine.