Oh it has awakened something alright.
Counter Strike as a franchise is old as well. They keept making new games and most recently moved CS into Source 2. Why can't they do that to TF2? Oh that's right, the game makes 0 billons of dollars.
I'll change my mind when tf2 will be given a fuck about
Shit your balls
I propagate not immuna
What in the fuck is the context of this image? It's wildly inaccurate! Why does her head duplicate? If her internals were to be ejected this way, it would be a skull at least.
"Yellow boarder"
One could make the same points about any animal, really.
7z for anything Windows related, bz2 compression with tar archive for just that little more squeeze of compression, zip for anything less valuable or to send to normies
Shut the fuck up
That's how you anger a goat buck. Y'know how bucks clash their horns? That's exactly why you don't touch them. It's fine when its pretty much at the base of the horn, don't go higher.