Nee, er hat tatsächlich gerade senkrechte Streifen im ~20cm Abstand gemacht.
Es gibt Stifte mit denen man (für Menschen fast unsichtbare) Streifen/Muster auf Glasscheiben machen kann. Mein Onkel benutzt so einen mit Erfolg. Nur leider sind auch die Dinger nicht perfekt und man sieht es trotzdem leicht, je nach dem wie die Sonne steht.
Paws everywhere!
Most HDMI switches (even the ones with remotes) don't need external power so I always assumed that there must be some power spec.
I think my absolute favorite that I haven't seen here is Gris. This game is absolutely beautiful as is the OST.
I have played some "lighter" titles like Journey (originally a PS exclusive), Little Nightmares and Crossing Souls. It's really nice to be able to play PC games on the go and (although I've not yet played AAA games on it) am quite pleased with it's performance.
Yeah, IoT is pretty nice. But proprietary stuff can be very annoying and a huge security risk.