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[–] Nibodhika 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I know there are several reading orders available depending on which stories you want to prioritize, but I like publication order because you can see him creating the world. As in you can usually see him writing some one liners that prompt some ideas which are fully explored in the next book, I don't remember any specific things but it's stuff like talking about Gods being as powerful as how many people believe in them right before small gods.

[–] Nibodhika 14 points 4 days ago (4 children)

What's wrong with Ubuntu/Mint/PopOS/Fedora or any of the distros usually recommended? They're easier to maintain and more up to date than Debian

[–] Nibodhika 6 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Replace Arch with Ubuntu and the answer is yes. Arch based that's not a good idea.

The reason is that in 6 months lots can have changed, and Arch is not guaranteed a stable base, so updates might assume you have certain versions or things might break because you should have done a middle step during the upgrades that you didn't which is now buried in months of update news in the wiki.

If you want to only update your system every six months, Arch is not ideal, it's likely to work, but not guaranteed.

[–] Nibodhika 1 points 4 days ago

The Navidson record is a movie though.

[–] Nibodhika 2 points 4 days ago

Acknowledging DRM free games on steam is absolute proof that steam is not DRM, you cannot hold both views at the same time, they're contradictory. Either all games on steam have DRM or steam is not DRM. Again, replace steam with an actual DRM software like Denuevo and you'll see why.

[–] Nibodhika 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

"Any" has those two meanings, the fact that you chose an ambiguous phrasing is your fault, and the fact you haven't apologized while making clear what you meant, but in fact doubled down in the aggressive tone tells a lot about you.

Also the phrase doesn't mean what you think it does, you should have said"you can play all games on steam without steam", which would be correct, not all games can be played without seam, but some can, you yourself recognize this when you say that the odds are against me when picking a random game, therefore there is a chance. And this is the thing that seems hard to comprehend to everyone who claims steam is DRM, they that same phrasing with Denuevo or other actual DRM things and you'll see why it's bullshit.

In other words, a software is DRM if and only if every game that contains it is DRM protected. Let's go back to logic school: if A then B is negated as A and not B, for example"If a dog then an animal" is true, so the negation would be false: "dog and not an animal" is in fact a contradiction. Or on the other side "if animal then dog" is false, so the negation animal and not a dog" must be possible, and indeed it is.

In this case what you're stating is that steam is DRM which means "if it's on steam then it's DRM protected", that statement is false because the negation"game on steam and no DRM" is possible. On the other hand "if it has Denuevo is DRM protected is true" and the negation "has Denuevo and is no DRM" is an impossibility.

[–] Nibodhika 1 points 4 days ago

Yes, in the sense that every store online is a digital right management, but people wouldn't consider itch or GoG DRMs, and if you go to this level of what DRM is it becomes impossible to sell software, because the mere fact of having someplace that allows some people access to something and others not it's a form of DRM.

[–] Nibodhika 1 points 4 days ago (5 children)

Writing is hard, huh? According to the dictionary Any means "some, or even the smallest amount or number of", therefore "you can play any steam game without steam" means "you can play even the smallest amount or number of steam games on steam", or in other words "you can play one steam game without steam". And like I said you can in fact play more than one steam games without steam, therefore you're wrong.

[–] Nibodhika 1 points 4 days ago (7 children)

claiming [...] you can play any steam game without Steam is flat out wrong.

You should go inform yourself, many games on steam can be played without steam. I've even shared my copy of a game with a bunch of friends and we all played together in LAN, with a single copy of a Steam game, and only I had steam installed since this was at work.

Steam does not enforce games to require steam, it is not a requirement, it's available for those who want to use it.

[–] Nibodhika 9 points 4 days ago

It's probably fine, but you can accidentally short it when moving it around by touching it or resting it up on something conductive, even if you're careful dust might short it as well, but this is much rarer.

As a general rule I would try to avoid it, but would not be my first concern.

[–] Nibodhika 3 points 4 days ago

If you read the first story (The colour of Magic + The light fantastic) you will know the story of the librarian, he start as a human there hahahah.

[–] Nibodhika 1 points 4 days ago

Not necessarily your fault, some games make the steam library a hard requirement by not implementing safe guards against it not being present. Others use some of the API there to ensure the game is owned and steam is logged in, but that's not enforced by steam, so if a game doesn't work without steam it's by design of the game devs.

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