Weil PayPal fast ein Monopol in dem Business hat und horrende Gebühren verlangt, jedenfalls wenn man Geld in Fremdwährungen senden will, wäre mein Hauptgrund.
Wait, so having to click "back" on the Microsoft account login screen befire being given the option to create an offline account didn't already make it obvious enough?
I guess he could sell it but then its pretty likely that it's brought by a property developer, as we can't afford to buy it off him. As it stands, the house isn't really suitable to live in
Yes… blurru
My dad inherited my grandma's ancient house recently and is practically forced to find a way to remodel it to be rentable because there is a imputed rental value tax where I'm from.
It's not as good as Italian gelato served in a sweet brioche bun, but it'll have to do
Isn't it banks, that generate most of the currency, especially by lending out money that comes from account holders funds?
I agree, but our tester is a bit lazy I suppose
Tbh, I think for unique elements that's a valid approach. It also enables easier element selection in automated e2e testing
I've always thought of ML-based logic as fuzzy as the outcome is somewhat uncertain
Idk why exactly but using IDs for styling has been discouraged for a while and now every application I've ever worked on had been styled using classes that are usually unique anyway
I wonder if I can make my existing Thumbleweed installation a Slowroll one instead, without borking up everything