Ah yes, and I am sure every other consumer choice made by this hypothetical person is 100% ethical.
And receive 0.01 🙃
localStorage is a thing, don't need cookies for browser state
Anyone else smell burnt popcorn?
You're joking right?
Slavery makes more money than fair wages, but money is good, and we shouldn't hold a business owner to any kind of ethical standard, so that's fine to you? That's some bootlicker mentality.
I feel like this post sent me two and a half weeks closer to death.
I love them so much. How are they so good?
Inscryption and goat simulator mashed together
Video hosting ain't cheap, and sometimes you'll have to share a space with people you don't like. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Excuse me, the B stands for bald.
These all have their own vibe and they're almost all not "solely" about games and game news, but these creators are my favorites generally in that realm:
- Video game dunkey
- Jacob Geller
- Super bunnyhop
- Mandalore
- Sseth
Those are some reactionary answers damn