Really? It’s not from some kind of treatise on utilitarianism? That seems unlikely
Although, electron affinity is a thing… so the analogy does break down pretty quick. Rip
I’ve never really liked the anthropomorphic description of chemical bonding, but maybe it’s actually similar to the addition thing. On the one hand, we can say 9 wants to resolve to 10 and takes a 1, and on the other hand we could say there are a bunch of different ways we could rearrange these numbers but the end result is the same as if we resolve 9 to 10 first. Maybe chemical reactions are similar, so there’s a bunch of configurations that could have happened, but the end result is the same as if we had said fluorine wants that last electron
The second method is very chemistry-like. I do that too naturally
This requires the legs to be all the same height and the floor to cause the wobble. That doesn’t happen often irl, but I’ve done it a few times and it always makes me happy when it works
It… might be
I, for one, am a fan of speech around a table! It’s intriguing but low stress!
Yea that makes sense. In this case most of the flight attendants had no trouble hearing me, except for one guy who really makes a big show of it. He’s often on the route between the cities I fly too so it wasn’t even a one time thing. Ive seen him a few times and he always does this specifically.
I might just be unlucky tbh. I hope you’re experience traveling to Texas goes well!
Ha! How weird for him to be so angry at Trudeau he bought a shirt 😂
The center wall that separates the windows is larger on the inside than the outside. Fun
It’s not just a sale. Gift card money is invested and the company makes returns off of it, and all they have to do is provide you the base value of the gift card in coffee or whatever at some later date. Plus, if your purchases don’t add to a whole number, millions of gift cards with like 30 cents left over in each of them is a ton of free money for the company. Gift cards are a huge scam