
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

On the top right there is a drop-down menu with the letters "KP". If you click on it you can choose English instead.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (7 children)

The colour for Malaysia is outdated. North Korea-Malaysia diplomatic relations were cordial in the past but worsened in 2017 after the assassination of Kim Jong-nam in 2017 in KLIA. Relationships soured further in 2021 after Malaysia expedited a North Korean businessman to the US in contradiction to north Korean wishes.

Further information by an official Malaysian government website. Another Malaysian site detailing the timeline of events.

Here is north Korea's official response by their Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It is important to note however the Malaysian establishment is in favour of positive diplomatic relations with North Korea. Friendly relations is especially advocated by Mahathir, a member of the traditional Malay-Muslim ascendant national bourgeoisie that governed as PM from 1981-2003 and 2018-2020. He did leave remarks that he wanted to improve relations with North Korea when he was in power. However after the Sheraton move, and subsequently 2 governent reshuffles and the 2022 election, diplomatic relations with North Korea is stuck in limbo without any sign of change in the short term.

In terms of national ideology and foreign policy, North Korea and Malaysia have more in common than differences. To speak of it in a Malaysian perspective, Malaysia was one of the first member of ASEAN to normalize relations with communist countries. Despite being a middle-power state, it has more than 111 diplomatic missions in 85 countries, with a passport holding visa-free travel through 168 territories.

Although the current circumstances is unfortunate, I don't doubt that eventually Malaysia-North Korea relations will warm up again - especially with the decline of US-led Western hegemony.

Personally, this whole situation is a bit saddening as I did plan to visit North Korea one day - and tour guide prices weren't too pricey (when they were running).

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Not in any specific order, they all have their moments for me.


  • Noah (peterpan) - Seperti Seharusnya
  • AJR - Neotheatre
  • Gloryhammer - Tales from the Kingdom of Fife
  • Powerwolf - Lupus Dei
  • Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God
  • Dayglow - Fuzzybrain
  • Wallows - Nothing Happens
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yeah it's really weird. The British were inventors of a vicious form of financial capital that is holding the whole world hostage. A cultural tradition of short-term predatory lending and "indirect rule" that controls colonized populations through false rulers.

And we focus on... a local town somewhere just acknowledging their history and holding a community event that has been done for the last 700years.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Saw a reel (TikTok? Shortform video?) about a Guy that was larping as a NEET in a tropical country.

And one comment really summed up my thoughts: go back home and get a job lmao.

Why do these people celebrate being leeches to society and seemingly aren't self-aware?

They get our scientists and engineers meanwhile we get this.

They're not sending us their best folks

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

Thank you for enhancing my scrolling experience with these images 🫡

[–] [email protected] 33 points 1 year ago (1 children)

take your reddit logo opinions elsewhere


[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

I have no skin in the game regarding this current debate so I’ll keep my own opinions to myself for now.

However, you mentioning Brazil’s multi-party system did pique my interest because something similar happens here.

It didn’t occur to me that for most USians having more than 2 relevant parties really is an abnormality.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Igauan Malam - Insomniacks right now but honourable mention to When The Moon Shines Red by Powerwolf, I listen to it regularly ever since I first found out about it a while back.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You are set on target, you can see the point when talking about the Quran, that then it’s ok to speak up, even if the country in which it happened, allows for the burning to happen. But then, when it comes to LGBT, the country’s law must be respected and you can’t talk about it.

No. I am historicizing both LGBT people and Islam. I am saying that queerphobia and Islamaphobia are not the same. They have interactions of course, like all social phenomena does, but they are qualitatively different and have different responses.

The nature of the countries in question also affect the situation at hand.

It is you who thinks that being Queer and being Muslim is like collecting trading cards or are just mere identities rather than historically situated phenomena. This is why I treat them differently - because they are.

How is Turkish citizens expressing discontent on another country's policy in Turkey remotely the same as a British performer entering Malaysia for a concert then VIOLATING the social norms and practices?

It is insane that you are making a false equivalence between these two things.

Over here:

Certainly, there is a dialectic with the nationalism-internationalism question, but this is outside the scope of this response, which is long enough as it is.

I explicitly mention that not all issues are to be resolved internally - there are valid avenues for internationalism.

But it seems like there is no point in continuing this conversation because I realise now we operate in totally different frameworks.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

yeah I see that lmao


Oh boy I thought I would cool it with the controversial LGBT stuff on this site but my country was pulled into the Western culture war this time (making my blood boil as per usual).

The British band The 1975 decided to do a stunt where 2 male band members kissed on stage. Which was proceeded by a rant and behaviours that was very liberal, only could be done by someone who grew up in a hyper-capitalist and alienated society in which individualism festers like a plague.

Needless to say, but this sort of "activism" doesn't work. That's obvious enough.

Then the liberals that consume too much American media (or lives in America) comes out of the woodwork bashing the government for over-exaggerating, and/or praising this pathetic attempt at lecturing the barbarians for their bad values. Liberals really showcase remarkable cynicism and hatred of the masses.

The sheer chauvinism in which you come into another country as a guest to perform and then lambast government policy in which you yourself are not affected by and in which you agreed to beforehand, while at the same time breaking many social norms - well that takes the cake.

Thank you for giving right-wingers ammo to further politicize and police "LGBT" communities in this country - making it worse for everyone here by enflaming the already vicious identity politics prevalent here (referring to the local identity politics - not commenting on the American one).

Good job, colonizer. I see that the Brits still think that anyone cares about what they have to say.

The coverage by the Rolling Stone and The Independent is as chauvinistic as ever. I'd prefer it if you just called us primatives directly instead of this whole fake concern for human rights.

Atleast Reuters had the decency to mention that:

Friday's incident sparked uproar on Malaysian social media, including among some members of the LGBT community, who accused Healy of "performative activism" and said his action could expose the community to more stigma and discrimination.

but in typical fashion doesn't mention that such behaviours, even if advocating for something the majority of the people agree, is not acceptable. It's a concert, not a political debate. Narcissistic behaviour and dysfunctional interpersonal skills (as determined by our culture and society at large) isn't something that should be promoted. Furthermore, this isn't even mentioning colonial history and ongoing imperialism.

Liberals needs to be sent into re-education camps for decades to deworm their minds from their terminal brain disease.

Alhamdullilah that most people here don't have it and recognised the chauvinism for what it is. (All non-english and many English replies on this tweet for example.)


I know pirating is always an option, and I used to play EU4 completely pirated.

But I got some credit remaining on Steam and they’re on sale right now, so lads, which should I go for?

Background info being I only played EU4 before, and enjoyed the nation-building side more rather than the military strategy. Although I was able to do some WCs back in the day and I do like micromanaging and extending a 20hr campaign into a 100hr one.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was debating whether to insert this within LGBT+ or Islamic Leftism but I do think ultimately it might fit here better because it covers the specific experience of French indigènes, which makes it more relevant here.

I feel like in these sort of online Islamic “progressive” spaces, there’s no genuine discussions happening. These spaces are often almost defensive in nature - like the existence of this community is just to prove to disapproving whites that Islam isn’t this, or isn’t that. This is a result of being in a Western dominated space in general.

Gender and sexual minorities is a very important phenomenon that must require a response, yet it is almost ignored or never spoken about because this muslim-homophobia dichotomy is so engrained that people are (rightfully) scared to even talk about it, especially across the White left.

I’d of course invite everyone to treat this article critically, and contribute if you have any qualms against their conclusions, although I will admit my opinions have slowly drifted closer to the article as the years went by.


I was reading Socialism's Ignored Success: Iranian Islamic Socialism by Ramin Mazaheri, and they mentioned something that has become a common sight here too: Islamic finance.

Iran is leading in Islamic financing, with Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, the UAE and Qatar filling the rest of the Top 5 according to this report.

For those who don't know, it's basically finance but with Islamic principles as accorded to the Quran and various Madhhabs (schools of jurisprudence).

Some of it's principles are (quoting Wikipedia), among others:

  1. Paying or charging interest. "All forms of interest are riba and hence prohibited". Islamic rules on transactions (known as Fiqh al-Muamalat) have been created to prevent use of interest.
  2. Investing in businesses involved in activities that are forbidden (haraam). These include things such as selling alcohol or pork, or producing media such as gossip columns or pornography.
  3. Charging extra for late payment. This applies to murâbaḥah or other fixed payment financing transactions, although some authors believe late fees may be charged if they are donated to charity,or if the buyer has "deliberately refused" to make a payment.

Has any comrades read much on this?

How viable do you think is such a financial system, especially now, with renewed interest in de-dollarisation? (see what I did there?)

Can it fully live up to it's socialistic principles in a world capitalist system?


About the multiracial, working class hartal I mentioned before that took place prior to the supposed communist emergency in what was then Malaya.


Set in a feudalistic fictional world, the song espouses a liberal (to use the term a bit anachronistically) feminist form of class collaborationism.

Although both expresses ill-feelings toward the heteronormative patriarchy that they live in, the film tries to make a false equivalence between both of their lives just because of their gender. Erika exhibits false consciousness believing that a princess has the same experiences as her, an indentured servant whose forced to work due to her parent’s debts.

This is clearly shown in the first few lines of the song, where Erika had to manually toil away in hard day’s work to even feed herself and yet brushes it off as being ‘used to it’, while Anneliese (the princess) just ‘has to ring a bell’ to have an omelette delivered to her bed. Erika, being kept ignorant by the ruling class, exclaims that they have the same lives.

To use Frier’s analysis, it can be seen that Anneliese, although still part of the aristocracy, is denied humanity (agency) not only through her gender but also due to her class as shown by the song’s chorus ‘We carry through to do what we need to do’. Showcasing how everyone is oppressed to some extent in class society.


The word must be something non-political that is in everyday use or in common speech.

For example, in my mother language there's the word muak, which describes the feeling you get after eating the same dish repeatedly, leading to you being sick of it and not wanting to eat that dish anymore.

Tired (ie. tired of eating the same x dish/food) may be the closest word/phrase in the English language that captures the meaning, but not exactly.


Went and dug a little deeper and it seems that for high-income nations, this trend of more women than men graduating in universities (as well as outperforming in school) has been going on for multiple decades now.

Apart of me wants to think its just right-wing hysteria because this was brought to my attention by some random podcast clip using this example as somehow proof that patriarchy doesn't exist lol. Some articles I read did mention how other factors (particularly class and race) was a higher determinant of school/university success.

And I particularly do not like biological explanations anyways (too essentialist to my taste, but I can't say for sure). I forgot which article in particular but it did argue it's because men used to be able find jobs in more traditional blue-collar industries, leading to this present day discrepancy.

What do you all think?

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