
joined 1 year ago
[–] NanoTriffid 12 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I've been struggling with whether to get an autism diagnosis or an adhd one (or to blow the money on therapy instead). I feel like I'm functioning less and less the older I get and sometimes wish a test trial of stimulants could tell me if I had ADHD.

Like if I functioned better on meds then I'd know I'm ADHD. I know it's not a logical wish but I hate all the loopholes and money. I struggle to make medical appointments for anything that is immediately obvious like a wound or rash. Need to get a script ready in my head and hate advocating for myself or the kids to indifferent professionals.

[–] NanoTriffid 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

My husband has been following a discord channel of each sub going dark like he's watching the races. Chuckling about sub names and citing the user numbers/stats

[–] NanoTriffid 3 points 1 year ago

I'm a very big fan of leaving odd leftover logs from winter in the garden and the amount of life that each one houses (mushrooms, pillbugs, centipedes etc) in the garden still astounds me. If love to attract more beetles too and I've read that burying them helps.

[–] NanoTriffid 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Thanks for this! I'm about to download my local library app and was wondering where to start with my digital reads. Haven't read a proper books in ages but I have the 'The Great Mortality' sitting on my kitchen table staring at me. Waiting for me to make some 'me time' for horrific reading

[–] NanoTriffid 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

This is an amazing slice of life moment Are you intentionally trying to breed quails or (and I hope this is the answer) did they just show up?

Also robins are cheeky bastards at the best of times.

[–] NanoTriffid 2 points 1 year ago

I'm not very organised on paper but I love my pollinator plants and try to focus on resilience. I have kept every tag from plants I have planted even if they did not survive.

I store my seeds by the time of year that I sow them (vertically so I can sort through quickly enough).

Then I do a walk through with my phone video at different times of year. Between the videos and the photos I have a nice visual reference of what was looking happy in the garden at different times of year.

Lastly I have a insect ID app (Picture Insect) for pollinators and pests. My photos in there and the dates can tell me which plants were good hosts to pollinators, which were harmed etc.

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