Very constructive. I am sure you convince a lot of people of the rightness of your opinions with your eloquent speeches.
Fair question.
In my hastily put together analogy, the rich guy would live up on the top floor which he converted to a pent house, probably with a helicopter pad. That guy like in real life is going to try to squeeze the money out of the guys a few floors down from himself. If it actually comes to a building collapse or something catastrophic, he probably tries to escape to another building.
Really though, this analogy is probably stretched to its limit.
Congress will never agree to give up anymore power than the other branches already take.
Short of a Constitutional Convention we will never see this passed. Unfortunately, a Constitutional Convention is a dangerous game even when we are less divided as a nation. The last one produced a new constitution instead of edits to the old one.
Could you imagine what a constitution would like like if it was written by the current bunch of goobers running the country?
I can't tell you how happy I am to see someone point this out here.
As if the ridiculous set of laws we have weren't bloated enough already, the nearly bottomless stack of court cases that modify them all and stack on each other make it impossible to have a fair trial.
At least 59 people think this is a high quality post or more likely just agree with it.
no one is immune from the will of a people united in their support for real justice
How do you intend to enforce that will? While you aren't saying it outright it almost sounds like you are thinking about grabbing a red hat and storming the building.
Sure, if you can get most of the residents to agree on what kind of building they want the new one to be, you might even make it happen fairly smoothly.
As is, we have at least a half a dozen groups who each want different designs and the two largest groups aren't even sure they want to live in the same building anymore. Those two groups have already started drawing lines down the middle of the current building and are demanding everyone pick a side. To make matters worse the other groups don't agree with each other enough to even band together for their own defense. In the end, we will be lucky if we get a couple small condos where once a sky-rise stood.
I believe their point was that it is still being abused by the prison systems.
Lots of questionable laws get passed. Lots of people get sent to prison for long sentences. When in prison they are being forced to work for virtually nothing. When they get paid at all it is usually 5% or less of minimum wage. If they don't work they receive various punishments including solitary confinement. In short, slavery is still going strong, just with a legal justification.
Thank you for clarifying. That definitely gives me a better understanding of your view.
Thank you for the link from a billionaire-owned corporation. I would consider listening to it, but I don't use google products anymore than necessary. Also, youtube transcript doesn't seem to work on it.