Goddamn my man that really does put it down on the page nicely. That's Feynman right?
I see! I didn't know respiration only referred to what animals do. I figured they were both two sides of the same coin
Well... Mathematicians would agree with me
Ah I did a quick Google and saw the rohyngia genocide started 6 years ago so I just went with it
Sometimes, but it's not as widespread. Everyone is capable of things like that.
No. It's not getting in the way of fossil fuel production. It's getting in the way of an art museum and coercing them into calling the cops to get them thrown out, achieving nothing useful in the process.
You have to disrupt and coerce the fossil fuel producers
Nah, lying by omission can still tell a totally wrong narrative. Sometimes it has to be the whole truth to be the truth.
The main reason is because they already learned from the United States that going into combat in dense cities doesn't work when you're the one attacking. They care more about their own lives than the lives of innocent people.
Are y'all not doing shit?
"that it’s a true representation of what someone saw."
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but photography has never ever ever been a "true" representation of what you took a picture of.
Photography is right up there with statistics in its potential for "true" information to be used to draw misleading or false conclusions. I predict that a picture with this technology may carry along with it the authority to impose a reality that's actually not true by pointing to this built-in encryption to say "see? the picture is real" when the deception was actually carried out by the framing or timing of the picture, as has been done often throughout history.
"...as far as the penalty is concerned I think death would be a relief for these men not a punishment. It would remove all possibility of mortal ills, all chances of joys and of sorrow..."
- Gaius Julius Caeser, ~2000 years ago
I haven't a lot useful to say among the comments that are already here but I will say most broadly:
Democracy in the work place. Corporations and industries are too big and affect too many people to be governed by individuals that are just there to own it, and make a profit for themselves. Things need to be run for the common good by actually representing all stakeholders fairly.