Wtf? What are you eating? Please tell me. I’ve gotte paragraphs of bullshit but nothing else.
Are you trolling me? Lol. I feel like im in the other end of some joke
And while we are talking about cognitive dissonance, where the fuck do you think YOUR food comes from?
I was being sarcastic you dumb fuck.
You mocked me, man. It only hurts in the super small space that internet strangers can reach but it exists, regardless of how small. So. Bullshit.
Wow. I’m really fucking floored by y’all’s response. Where do you think your food comes from man? Seriously. I’m not being ugly, like you are, im trying to understand how you feel like you have less impact than I do. I am just able to take the responsibility for my own food
You are an insane person and a coward. You buy your food at a supermarket and are not able to comprehend the impact of your precious soy. As a matter of fact, your not even on my level really. You are probably a child. If you ever need help, call me.
Bender is ruby 100% and the devil cloud professor. He sends them to their death constantly.
Yes. I do. I have a separate small flock. I feed my family a proportion of our food over half that I grow, rise, and make myself. It would be impossible with out the protein from the chickens. And before anyone says some dumb shit to me, you do the math of your monoculture grown vegan food and if you still think my overall footprint is greater than yours, you are wrong.
I will. The best people in my life are the introverted nerds.
I raise my own chickens. I love them very much. Some of them get eaten. I am very grateful to those. You don’t have to be a vegan to be a good person.
I was really hoping the comments would be some sort of “what the fuck does he know?”