Can you hear that, costume designers? This is the sound of my 3D printer! It says „I‘ll have these deltas printed in no time.“
Bei Anne Frank kann ich das nicht nachvollziehen. Aber bei deinem Usernamen. HALLO? DEUTSCHER ARTIKEL AUF ANGELSÄCHSICHEN BEGRIFF FÜR DIE GUMMIENTE? WAS GEHT MIT DIR AB?
(Minecraft explosionsgeräusche)
Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Riiise-
Um die flache Erde zu rendern, zu simulieren und größere Verschwörungen zu modellieren hat man im Schwurbel 2 tatsächlich Hardwarebeschleunigung integriert. Die ist allerdings nur hinter der proprietären Voodoo Schnittstelle verfügbar, da der Hersteller die Installation von Gates-Chips durch DirectX verhindern möchte.
USA: Where you can see Santa, snow, trees, etc. during Christmas everywhere and still believe that someone could steal Christmas from you.
You know, i had my gender confirmation surgery recently. It hurt a lot. Even with the powerful painkillers the hospital had to offer.
It’s still less painful than the invisible hand of the free market fisting me and everyone else.
Bitte erlaube mir die folgende Frage: HÄ?
I think the question was more about „Why do i have to register to be able to vote?“
Which is a good question. In germany we don‘t have to register to vote at any level. Once we‘re 18 and are registered citizens (the latter part is indeed a problem for immigrants due to bureaucracy), we get to vote.
We get a letter informing us where our local poll station is and then go there. A poll helper then crosses our names off a list once we‘re there and our ID is validated. Or we use the included ballot and send the letter back for mail-in voting. We can also have someone else vote for us if, say, the accessibility measures at the local poll station still don‘t suffice.
Germany isn‘t a perfect state but i personally think they make damn sure that you can vote. And it‘s really problematic that the ostensibly democratic US doesn‘t nearly put as much effort into enabling people to vote.
Das sagt er so einfach, doch als ich vom Dach sprang, konnte ich mit dem Wasser im Eimer nicht ein bisschen vom Schaden verhindern.
Obi Wan: Not to worry, we‘re still running half a tank!
Boy, i sure hope someone got fired for that blunder