Genocide Karens
Don't talk up AI. Don't talk down AI.
Translation. Will support whoever bends the knee to Israel
I don't have a militia in this civil war
It's clear that according to the US, Israel is above the law.
Israel stealing land as per usual. Trump will "recognise" whatever land they decide to colonise.
Can't wait.
Excellent news. More to come hopefully. Israel is an evil regime
BDS needs to start targeting German businesses.
Yes. The whole world knows this. But western media continues it's Omerta.
Yanis Varoufakis views Big tech as digital landlords in his book 'Technofeudalism" . He argues that they extract rents from owning the digital space as landlords did in the Middle ages while monetising our attention. They are not capitalists in the sense that they don't sell goods and services for profit but rather control the environment where others buy and sell.
It's an interesting take on where we are and how dystopian big tech has turned out to be.
Genocide Karens. Good riddance.