What if the planet used to have intelligent life but they blew themselves up accidentally?
If this doesn’t have Defiant Jazz, I want no part of it.
What if I think it’d be cool to have a supercar, but the only thing holding me back is the money, but I’m not a dick? I just think they’re neat, but in the event that I’d have enough to afford one, I’d probably still go with something practical. I’ll never have that kind of money anyway, so this is all purely hypothetical.
I’ve never seen one where you select every picture, but I guess there’s a first time for everything.
I always killed him. Fuck that guy.
You’re absolutely gorgeous!
As an American, I agree.
Honestly if you look at the recent past, it’s only Trump who’s doing that. No other leader has been such a terrible leader, including W.
It’s not an X it’s a plus. The Nigerians were very into math 200-300 years ago.
Overall I’d say I’m past the majority of what I experienced those times. Granted I’m still depressed, but that’s more down to life circumstances and the current world at large. But thanks for the kind words. Idk how you came across this post 6 months later lol, but that’s the beauty of the internet. I still don’t get why I got downvoted all crazy, but people on here are a bit ridiculous from time to time.
This almost seems like a win against the death penalty, until you realize that this won’t stop them from killing the death row inmates, the will instead either try different and likely less effective drugs, or resort to other more archaic methods of execution.
I really hope you’re right 🥺