Half and half.
Also, growth is exponential.
Its when it reaches a plateau aka once the dust settles, how much people remain engaged that matter.
Half and half.
Also, growth is exponential.
Its when it reaches a plateau aka once the dust settles, how much people remain engaged that matter.
Was a reddit lurker for years and became a massive contributor.
I am looking forward to continuing thag momentum. Heh.
For example, your comment is the first one I have seen that has over 30 upvotes since I came on board a week back.
Holt? Is that you?
Ding dong of King Kong.
But side note, wasn't King Kong originally female?
Drew and Randy would shake things up.
Perhaps Bobby? With Seth being face, we are current lacking established heels for him.
Priest would be good.
But it is true that this feels like a US title ladder match than MITB.
Great thanks!
Do I need a different sign in for ML and World?
This is how you know you have arrived. Cat posts are in.
Miner's android, I am using jerboa, and they are appearing automatically for me.
Purposefully will convince shareholders that the slow footfall is a blip and not a concentrated effort though.
Half and half.
Also, growth is exponential.
Its when it reaches a plateau aka once the dust settles, how much people remain engaged that matter.