Could this be a precursor to Putin using tactical nuclear weapons against the Ukraine military on Russian soil?
It will have a huge psychological effect on Russian's morale. Take the fight to Russia.
One of the best drama series I've seen.
Hollow threats. Go.
Mmm Gerhard Schroeder and Russia rings a bell ...
Why Gerhard Schröder won’t unfriend Vladimir Putin.
Putin’s pal Gerhard Schröder won’t be kicked out of Germany’s Social Democrats
You couldn't make this stuff up.
40 lines here. Using Boost For Lemmy on Android phone. Nicely intentioned but it is somewhat intrusive in its layout.
Not a surprise. The quality has dropped, they've priced themselves out of the market so that ordinary cafes (diners) are cheaper.
I've heard these grandiose announcements over the last 15 years where it is already known that rural areas have rubbish broadband. Plans were announced, huge amounts of money were given to telcos , usually BT, and nothing happens in the rural areas but towns and cities get super fast fibre.
The telcos do not want to upgrade Comms infrastructure in rural areas as they are invariably sparsely populated so the profits don't exist. But they're happy to take the tax-payers money though.
With the onset of mobile phones, wired/fibre solutions become increasingly expensive and less likely in such areas and we're still waiting for a decent signal.
And so it goes on.
IOC officials seem to be a special breed of stupidity and naivety.
Extract from Basic Principles of the Russian Federation’s State Policy in the Domain of Nuclear Deterrence
“The Russian Federation retains the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies…” But that sentence ends with an unusual statement: “… and also in the case of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is put under threat”
"In a local war with a non-nuclear adversary, however, the small-scale tactical use of nuclear weapons might be a serious temptation, especially if the war were not going according to plan. In short, the impulse to escalate in a tight corner could be strong."