As thebannanaking has said, for sure seek out help if you are struggling. I think that is the big indicator as to whether they will diagnose you. The symptoms have to be prevalent in your life. Personally if it helps put it in perspective, I've kind struggled most my life, a whole lot of fail if i am going to be honest. no clue why, never even thought about adhd until my boss literally sat me down after I almost got fired like 6 months ago and listed out a whole crapton of what I later found out where adhd symptoms. I've been struggling real bad lately with not just work but pretty much all areas of my life and so now I'm trying to navigate our crappy Healthcare system and get help. Better late than never I guess. So really what I'm trying to say is if you are having problems please seek help. Don't be like me and not deal with it for way to many years.
My dishwasher sucks and half the time I end up having to handwash anyways. I swear I will do one dish and two more will magically appear. I think I am cursed.
Thank you for your kind words and writing out such a detailed response. I really do appreciate it. It has been so helpful to be part of this group and your post was very informative and helpful. I am going to try to see a psychiatrist and honestly am open to whatever they think can help. I want to do therapy to I think. I have a lot of years to work through. Also want to look into hormones but it might be to early for that. I'll see what they say. Also, your comment on the lip-smacking made me laugh, I've started fights over my husband chewing. Lol. 😳 anyways, thanks once again.
Haha! I had someone tell me their name a few weeks ago. Kinda sounded like coffee so his name is now coffee. Can't for the life of me remember his actual name and I've asked numerous times. I usually just hope that I don't get in a situation where I need to know their name. Fun times. At least we can laugh about it.
All the freaking time. Like my brain is like "hey! I'm going to talk! I like talking!" And then suddenly turns on itself and is all "what where you thinking dumbass!? You are just going to make an idiot of yourself again" So then I delete my comment and scroll on. Trying to be better on lemmy so here is my comment.
So I want to just add my story to this as I'm currently going through this myself. At least I think I am. I am not diagnosed as of yet but I have an appointment to get things started towards that in a couple weeks. Going to share this anyways.
Anyways, I'm turning 43 this week and the past six months to a year have been super rough for me. I mean, I've always had issues but its gotten really bad. I almost got fired this past fall but for some reason my boss wanted to give me another chance. It all started going downhill when my coworker quit and I picked up the slack and took on more work. My boss pulled me aside and we had a meeting and she listed numerous issues she saw I was having. I had caused several minor accidents(i have to drive between accounts), major focus issues, she kept having to repeat herself constantly, running late and rushing and not giving myself enough time tondo mu work, interrupting her all the time, trouble remembering things(she writes stuff down for me now), skipping accounts, timecard mistakes constantly, just a whole cluster of wtf. My home life and marriage was suffering too but I won't even start on those. All in all u was not having a good time.
I was just feeling awful about it and like I failure, my job is not hard at least it shouldnt be. I went home and started looking up specifically the problems I was having. Low and behold every single one kept coming up as adhd symptoms. I remember sitting there thinking to myself like wait what? And then started thinking about my past and it suddenly kinda made sense there too. so I did a bunch of reading.
At that point I found an article on menopause and adhd and that was enlightening. I realized that even though I'm still regular with my cycle and stuff it could be starting and would make sense why suddenly things are even more difficult. I got through the Xmas season okay, kinda put thst stuff out of my mind and focused on trying to not make a mess out of work but come January I dropped into a state of depression like I had never experienced before. Not even when I got kicked out of college i, not even when I was pretty much homeless and couch surfing at my friends. I have anxiety issues but I'm not normally depressed like that.
I was a zombie, I managed to get myself to work and back but that's about it. I was just numb and yes I was at the point I wanted to end myself. After about a month of this I came to the realization that I needed help. I finally talked to my husband about it and I got clean off of any substances I was using at the time to try and cope. Started doing more reading and found this group and a menopause group. I have a doctors appointment in a couple weeks and I'm going to see what my options are and if they can give me a referral for testing. I also have an appointment with a gynecologist for the women's stuff thst same week. I'm stressed but it will be good to know what is going on.
This got really long winded and I'm sorry about that. If you got through this thank you for reading. Hopefully I will have answers soon.
Omfg! I just about died seeing this. My husband was co concerned!
The migration of a certain subreddit I followed over here led me to this instance so here I am.
Coffee seems to grow well indoors and it's also a beautiful plant. If you want blooms and beans though you will want to buy a more mature one. Can take years to reach blooming size.
This is amazing! Im going to try this! Thank you for sharing!
I did this with vivariums and reptiles, then got aquariums, then a whole forest of plants and then. Tissue culture and then got into insects and then learning about soil and rocks and mycology, and genetics and well....let's just say I might as well be mother freaking nature at this least I got a job out of my plant knowledge thing but sheesh. It never ends. Now I'm back on a tech kick so we shall see where that leads me.
Lol! Can I add my junk drawer to the trampoline too? I call it my mind chaos but I like this junk drawer and trampoline description better!