
joined 1 year ago
[–] Mog_fanatic 1 points 28 minutes ago

Yeah around me they are at least double. Usually like 2.5-3x more expensive. It's the only thing that stops me from getting them like constantly

[–] Mog_fanatic 12 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I would argue that it is relaxing in the traditional sense. You just chill out and don't worry about anything... It's weird to see it like demonized in this way like the mere idea of relaxing for just a second shows how mentally unstable you are or something lol

[–] Mog_fanatic 8 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I have no idea why, but my first thought was it's only in "the John". As in it was in some ancient bathroom graffiti. Just scrawled hastily on the bathroom walls, explaining all about the son of God's legal woes.

[–] Mog_fanatic 7 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I'll have to give this kagi a shot I never heard of it! DDG just doesn't ever seem give me what I want and I've been trying it forever. It's like I'm always playing this cat and mouse game with the search engine and it just gives me alllllmost what I want but not quite.

[–] Mog_fanatic 109 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (5 children)

This video was such absolute bull crap lol. He randomly found some dude on like his SECOND night homeless that let him stay in a spare room for free.

Then he flipped free stuff on Craigslist and Facebook for cash which is... fine I guess. A little sleazy but whatever. Magically found transportation and the ability to store and haul this stuff all over town but never explained any of that.

Then he majestically found someone to cosign and provide initial payments to rent like a four bedroom house that he sublet to 3 other tenants... So he found some random guy to COSIGN for him which is crazy knowing how much liability that puts on you while ALSO finding a landlord that is allowing a guy with no job, no income, no credit, no prior residences, and no money to not only rent from him with a random co signer but also allowing him to sublet to three other random ass people the landlord will never even meet. This is possible... But EXTREMELY unlikely. Also, the fact that this dude tries to do a homeless challenge by immediately becoming a landlord is pretty funny ngl. Also it's worth noting that his final number ($64k or whatever) was revenue not profit. He said himself he was making about 50% profit so he made closer to around $30k on the year.

And on top of all that, the fact that he cites health issues as this unforeseen unfortunate issue that got in the way of his inevitable success is kinda rich. That's... kinda the deal with poverty. You fall on hard times. Health often falls apart. Unexpected expenses destroy you. It can and often does completely tear your world apart. Thems the breaks man lol. Dude just experienced life a little and quit.

[–] Mog_fanatic 4 points 3 weeks ago

It's always the ones you least expect.

[–] Mog_fanatic 11 points 3 weeks ago

It's already in some states. Alaska has implemented it I believe and Nevada passed the vote for it once but still needs to vote again this year on it to switch over.

[–] Mog_fanatic 22 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

And now it's time to play everyone's favorite game when it comes to the rich and powerful dealing with legal problems - "Will It Actually Matter At All?" - It's a decent game but kinda boring because it usually only ends one way...

[–] Mog_fanatic 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

But immigrants... So you're clearly wrong. You have to be! Immigrants!!!!!


[–] Mog_fanatic 1 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

I have this problem or it will play for like 3 seconds and then buffer for a bit, play 3 seconds, buffer, repeat for infinity. No matter what I do I have one of these issues with Firefox and any adblocker and it's super annoying.

[–] Mog_fanatic 5 points 1 month ago

I haven't seen a moat in at least the last 100 years

This is a you problem pal. I personally have a moat defense system installed around my home and also around each individual room within the home with draw bridges for isolation in case of emergency. Safety is just common sense.

[–] Mog_fanatic 24 points 1 month ago

"This is my pee pee and my poo poo! The guy's 95 years old, he fought in WWII, stormed the beach at Normandy, now his name is Peepee?? What are you doing to the man?"

No Thanks. (
submitted 9 months ago by Mog_fanatic to c/aww
Cat Things (
submitted 10 months ago by Mog_fanatic to c/aww
submitted 10 months ago by Mog_fanatic to c/aww
submitted 10 months ago by Mog_fanatic to c/aww

Why don't Lemmy posts (from any instance) show up on search engines? Like if I try my hardest to get a thread to show up, virtually nothing from the actual instances in the fediverse comes up. I'm sure if I searched the exact url or something I could get it but it's very noticable that the search engines by and large just kind of gloss over posts on here and I'm not sure why.

This stinks cause that was one of the biggest draws for reddit. So many times when you search some super obscure or specific question you'd get a few reddit threads with all sorts of information.

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