There is currently no standard irony or sarcasm punctuation.
Until there is one, you can use some other symbol for irony punctuation. Like ⸮, ‽, ¡ or ¿.
You can also use the rolleyes emote 🙄, strategic italics, and even rAndOMcASe capitalization.
Just don't use the SarcMark™. A trademarked punctuation mark you have to pay to use is one of the most bullshit forms of capitalist bullshit one can imagine. Fuck that shit with a white-hot iron rebar.
Oh, before I forget, there's also the snarkmark ( .~ ). Works like the SarcMark™, but you don't have to tell the world you are an idiot for paying to use a punctuation mark.
The moment Robber Barons were first stopped, they starting working to rig things so they are never stopped again.
The only way to remind them that they have no such power is the French way.
All Tesla dealerships should be on fire by now. Now protected by a wall of obese 'police' that would not pass the most lenient tests to join the police force in any country of the EU.