Not saying you’re wrong, but do you have any reason or evidence you can cite as to why you believe this? Like, my two cats cuddle up in some remarkably goofy, and sometimes uncomfortable looking, positions. No sedatives required.
Some years ago I was struggling badly at a job I was ill-suited for due to having terrible social anxiety. I went to the internet for advice on what sort of work would be a good fit for me, and one of the reoccurring answers at the time was to be a stay-at-home-parent. Like wow, why didn’t I ever think of that?! I’ll just go out this weekend and marry a rich woman and start keeping home!
This gets easier with practice (and ADHD meds), but is so stressful!
Oops, you’re right! Got them mixed up. Clearly it’s been too long since I’ve watched Next Gen.
Friggin’ Moonmoon
Hey, I like Alexander! And Lwaxana Troi. And the episode that they both star in where we get to see Data in drag.
I wish to pat Matt!
I both approve of the googly eyes and wish for my own coal friend! Kinda like a little earth golem.
Khajit has many fine wares!
I didn’t choose the hug life…
Don’t forget the absurdly bad re-release of Warcraft 3!