And Maya Sundaresh (who was also Lakshmi-2, sorta) in the last Destiny 2 season.
Hell, we just need to take a small fraction of what the military gets yearly to pay for everyone's student loans, right now.
Basically this. All of them got spooked by missing Bitcoin before Bitcoin was worth infinite money, and a good chunk missed out on NFTs before THEY were worth thousands of dollars too
Nah, a good chunk of them know it would hurt them. They hope it would hurt the people they hate worse.
Having quite a few family members like this, trust me when I say there's plenty of them who THINK they would happily deal with an economic crash if it meant that black/brown/gay/leftist people starved to death.
Not with a lot of the modern GOP. They're fully convinced the "establishment" is out to get each and every one of them, personally, and Trump being accused of interfering in an election is just fuel on that fire.
Actually this is not entirely true. It's anything that happened to any patient during any phase of testing. This is why so many "side effects" include death, because if you're doing an n=1000 study or whatever, SOMEONE is going to die, statistically, and you can't provably show that the drug you're testing didn't lead, at least in part, to that death. Good intentions with the reporting regulation, but not a good execution.
Y'all forgot about Mr Freeze committing suicide-by-Batman.
Y'all are missing the big lead: this stops ANY regulation that costs over $100m. Which is...a good chunk of them. Just monitoring can cost a huge chunk of cash.
What this is, is the GOP attempting to rip the heart out of specifically OSHA and the FDA.
Corporations feeling comfortable enough to support LGBT+ people is a good barometer of how we stand in society as a population.
Also a legit forestry tactic - you set a controlled fire in a part of the forest, and keep it well-controlled, to burn off leaf litter and dead wood that would otherwise easily fuel a wildfire, and to encourage the growth of some species (or discourage others - burning is the only effective way to stop some invasive plant species).
See, this is part of why I agree with things like the corporate death penalty. A company will not care how much it is fined, unless that fine forces it to close. Our justice structure when it comes to actually dealing with corporate entities is WOEFULLY behind the times, and has been artificially kept so for decades. Besides, fining a company that was scheming to keep rents artificially high brings no benefits, nor relief to the actual tenants who were forced out because of high rents.
There's also the fact that they reached a "ceasefire" with Lebanon and still had soldiers and tanks shooting at people there literally the day after.