It’s Biden or Bust, bud.
Victory or Death.
It’s Biden or Bust, bud.
Victory or Death.
Sometimes you gotta go one step back to go two steps forward. If we fail to move forward afterwards, maybe we deserve what we get.
While Europe just reformed and compensated the slavers with money, at least we fought a bloody war to end the slavery menace, bringing the emancipation cause to the forefront of the world. Albeit Reconstruction was sadly misused but at least some good was done for the world.
Didn’t European countries invade several African kingdoms and tribes and brought emancipation to their slaves?
That’s the nice thing about the two political party system: Who else are you going to vote for? Abstain or third party? You’d run the risk of having democracy end, when the other party wins, and getting thrown into a camp for your “Unamerican” beliefs.
I mean… at some point, you can only peak at a certain point with a smartphone.
“Trump must go!”
“Who must go?”
Implying there’s much hope for the same hand to feed him later, even less if the hand is even still around.
Feels before reals.