Can’t he just sign executive action after executive action and ignore the court like Jackson did?
We’re Americans son, we’re built off of genocide and slavery. It’s the only way of life that we know.
I can’t wait for the day that climate change truly wrecks this country of mine, like gods fury on Sodom and Gomorrah.
Nothing new happens under the sun.
I prefer a worldwide New World Order but you take what you can get.
Huh… interesting.
You may have convinced me.
If you work hard enough to destabilize the world for the New World Order and Biden dies from old age then you’ll get to be the sniffer.
It’s a sniff or be sniffed world.
Why beat them when you can join them?
I always found it weird when people would make hero’s of Allied soldiers in WW2, even though, if you met them in person, you would find their beliefs horrifying.
History can and should be destroyed if we ever wish to move forward as a species. We can’t let idiots hold us back.
Joe Biden is trapped in the White House. The Republicans refuse to let him out unless he pardons Donald Trump and let him be president. He needs your help but we can help him stop the Republicans from taking over the country.
All he needs is the 16 digits on the front of your mom’s credit card, as well as the 3 digits on the back but you must hurry, he doesn’t have much time.