Maybe think more creatively and not with a scarcity oriented pro-aging mindset. Limitless peace.
And there seems to be a decent number of Chinese citizens on tiktok. Selling stuff and so on and so forth. And on live. That's what it seems like anyway. Didn't the CEO testify to Congress under oath that tiktok was banned in China? Is that just cosmetic also or easily bypassed? Limitless peace
Defeating aging.
Read the book Ending Aging by Aubrey de Grey...
Limitless Peace
Really.... interesting...
What about loopcloud and all vsts?
I think it was abandoned.. but I'm not certain.
I tried to look that up 4 or 7 months ago about.
Limitless Peace
Maybe 30 to 70% agree with you. Maybe 15 to 35 percent do not care.
I think it's an interesting tension between free content and paid content. People need money to pay rent and buy food. How should journalism be monetized in an ethical and sustainable way?
No problem. has articles like it also.
Limitless Peace