Da wünscht man sich den Pranger zurück..
Wikipedia does not need your money. They were 11 million in the plus last year and sitting on a 250 million usd reserve.
give your money to archive.org instead.
Du solltest Motivationsbücher schreiben.
Fremont might even be a new VR headset
I got my Quest 3 not even a month ago. There is a good chance i would sell it if that is true.
Hey thank you, I feel honored!
I just leave one quote here:
According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, it would cost $20 billion to end homelessness in the United States.
I got 150 hours out of it. That seems to be the sweet spot for a solo run before it becomes too repetitive. But of course there are also a few with thousands of hours. And if you play with friends you can get way more out of it i think. Imho it is definitive worth it.
afaik foobar2000 works flawless via wine. it is even in the AUR (if you are an Arch user): https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/foobar2000
What device exactly? e.g. i could update my Samsung NVMe firmware with nvme-cli without any problems.
I wish there were some big story / quest updates. Exploring the galaxy was a fun for the 150 hours I put into it, but after the end of the storylines and relatively few sidequests it got boring pretty quickly. This whole “Explore a new galaxy!” thing didn't make sense to me either. What was I supposed to do that for? It looks practically the same everywhere. And there is nothing that would be actually new or surprising.
I mean, I could still do things like finish upgrading the freighter and the fleet, but for what? There is nothing to do with it.
Nevertheless, the purchase was definitely worth it. Games these days can rarely entertain me long enough to get that much time out of them.
That sounds like some "i just followed orders" bullshit. You have always a choice. There is always a different job. If you throw other people under the bus to keep your own ass in the warm you are no better than the asshole sitting at the top. You are part of the problem and will be treated the same way.
Those people are not "like you and me", they are collaborators.