
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago


[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Ah, another eastern European immigrant in the west licking some capitalist boots, Poland and the Baltics are experts in it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

you are absolutely right

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (2 children)

i understand, ofcourse i dont expect everybody who lives in a socialist country to be fully blown theory reading tankies nor do i believe that cuba is a socialist utopia free of criticism. The cubans should have the right to criticize their country but ofcourse, for many that includes criticizing the ideology the party follows, especially a party that has been in power since such long time. I didnt want my post to seem as if i dont support the opinions of cubans or their right to criticize their governement...what i wanted the focus to be on was more how many (not all ofcourse) of cubas problems stem form embargos and sactions emposed on it by the US and how they practically foster anti-socialist sentiment among the people rather than the people organically opposing a government that atleast had the chance to develop in its own pace without a imperialist force right next to them making life hell. Again, i apologize if i said something derogatory about the cuban people or cuba

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

sorry, its just absolutely hard to imagine you being a socialist when you're here complementing and defending the democRATS.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

so you're just a socdem.....

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

i apologize for my outburst, this is not materialist, it is idealist and any good marxist should restrain himself from utopian idealist thought.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It is true that we can change our environments and therefore our material conditions but these man-made changes are again caused by material conditions leading to people changing their environments. That's how history is and always has been, a cycle of material conditions influencing people to change their surroundings whose material conditions will cause other people to change their surroundings and so on....the question is what was the initiator of this cycle, was the man who made the first change leading to a change of material conditions or the material conditions which led the man to do the first change? I would say its the second as we, from my atheistic point of view, are results of nature, of millions of years of evolution. We did not always possess the ability to change our world how we want it, those who were born adjusted to their environments would survive, those who were not, would die....we, for a long time, had no say over our survival or nature but due to a chain of environmental changes, we started to develop bigger brains and the ability to analyze and use our environments to our advantage. First the material conditions allowing us to to gain the ability to change our material conditions came. We now are not anymore slaves of nature, of selective survival of those who are adjusted, we are now developed enough to help those in need, those who would not survive....we (mostly) have surpassed these harsh realities making us masters of our destiny, not letting us be dictated by forces we can harness. We have the power to save this planet or destroy it how it currently is under global capitalism. Primitivism, Conservatism, any form of regression is not and cannot be the answer without it undermining our social and/or technical achievements made.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

oh that makes more sense

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

glad you like comrade

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

will check them out

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

was told something similar once: "You cAnT bE ComMUniST, YoU dOnT SpEAk RuSSiAn" ????


i wonder


i like the idea of a unified european state that unifies the people of europe under the socialist cause but not whatever the EU is trying to achieve, also i think that the idea of a unified europe got cooped by white-nationalists to "save thu whye race" and whatever nonsense which is not what a federal europe should stand for but rather the first step to slowly incorporate people with similar enough cultures into a bigger, more international, socialist realm


is there are socialist server i can join and perhaps help build beautiful monuments cuz architecture is in my veins when it comes to minecraft


pls tell me this isnt like the reddit r/europeansocialists and that you guys arent nazbols


"breaking new liberals are ignorant" i know this isnt new to us but i couldnt resist and entered a political discord server and debated with someone on why Lenin wasnt anti-semite? and why Marx wasnt anti-semite either especially considering how his father is jewish himself...and then the guy switched to how the soviet union was anti-semitic because they seized synagogues belongings? and i tried to explain why this wasnt directed at jews but rather religious institutions as a whole because of the power they held in the russian empire....he also used the "muh authoritarianism, vanguard party authoritarian" which ofcourse he would mention not knowing that reactionary movements would have eleminated the revolutionary progress made if it werent for the vanguard party protecting it. He then proceeded to compare the vanguard party to israel because i said the vanguard party and with it the people need to hold all power to protect the revolution which he translated into "yuh but if you are anti-israel that means that israel should also protect itself from the palestinians for its survival" (him being pro-israel). Funny thing is that he considered himself a socialist eventhough he admitted to not like marx and called himself a pre-marxist socialist? He also admitted to never have read theory and this is the part that annoys me the most: He called himself a socialist.....

Everytime i try to be reasonable with these people they pull out the most randome take out of their asses and i try to educate them but they mock me. All i can hope for is that they will become class-conscious and be enlightened about the all the trash propaganda they have been fed...but aslong as this isnt the case if fear they will need to face the wall if they keep being the enemies of the people


Thats it basically im just really really ashamed of my parents being landlords, they both work jobs but simultaneously rent this apartement to a family and its not even that we need the extra money we exctract from this families income, they are paid well but noo they need more and more money and seek out these stupid parasitic neo-feudal sources for absolutely no reason other than to generate more money at the expanse of others. It grinds my brain to know i indirectly profit of it and im just in shame for my parents and they wont understand, they are as liberal and capitalist indoctrinated as can be so its useless to try to refute them especially when they pull the "hooman naturr" card out of their ass' when trying to converse with them about capitalism.

but im thankful this place exists where i can let these concerns out i dont have any people i can talk to about such things in real life. (alienation especially concerning socialists of any kind does indeed wonders to repress the organization of the masses)


I will be talking about western europe specifically as i am from here and the rise of the far-right really is a problem here and generally around the imperial core. Younger people tend to be quite incusive and non-racist as they grow up with immigrants from around the world with a few exceptions ofcourse but there is a general insecurity about the future among not only adults but also students which the far-right love to use to lurk especially the young, insecure and impressionable people into their movements. "its the immigrants who take our jobs, its the muslims who blablabla" all excuses for capitalisms failure as you all already know. I personnaly dont witness much hate for immigrants in my homecountry as it is a small country with a lot of immigration for long time but it has developed more of a white supremacist movement as the majority of people and older immigrants are from europe unlike the more nationalist-people forward parties like the AFD and the Brothers of Italy i would say. No significant leftist uprisings in any sight here, with luck you will see some Antifa/ Anarchist stickers on poles and that would be the most radical thing you could see...atleast in western europe.


I cant stand living in this fake-wannabe democracy. I feel so lonely, nobody shares my views and everytime i try to educate them they mock and ridicule me to oblivion. Western europe truly is a hopeless pile of garbage. Thanks to the social democracies (nice move bourgeois pigs) people dont see the need to overthrow the capitalists when they are already fed the absolute bare minimum (free eduction and healthcare) by them while still being significantly poorer than the capitalists who are still fucking up our economy and politics. People are so liberal here, its like someone made a concentrate of Liberalism and spoon fed it to every-single person from man, woman to baby. *uh but freedome but muh democricuh * i cant hear it anymore. Its not enough that my family is constantly argueing about the shit in ukraine while im just sitting there having to listen 24/7 to "The russians were always authoritarian burglars, thats just their nature" and "Russia needs to be bombed its the only solution". Oh pls just somebody, China perhaps come and liberate the people from the western hegemony. The west needs to fall and when it does while watch with joy.

ps. Sorry for the outburst here but i really needed to get that out of me


I am a very devouted ML and struggle to find any organisation i can be active in in luxembourg (i know, its a small country and i am aware of its role in the EU and the banks) i just want to partake in something with fellow comrades

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