Is this the new Russian taking point?
We're going to ignore Pearl Harbor?
We're going to say we're worse than the Nazis exterminating millions of people and performing live medical experiments on people?
How do you feel about NATO?
Is this the new Russian taking point?
We're going to ignore Pearl Harbor?
We're going to say we're worse than the Nazis exterminating millions of people and performing live medical experiments on people?
How do you feel about NATO?
Does this make you feel good spreading Russian propaganda?
Russia invaded Ukraine in a fascist land grab just like Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin at the beginning of WW2
Why does it matter what he asks the courts to do? I didn't realize that's part of legal process
Do you really think that China, the country most known for its massive cities and factory farms, really gets a meaningful amount of animal protein from local farms?
What a scumbag. So now other people need to pay for this losers choices so his kids don't die of starvation?
Would be pretty damn hard to do that
They expected to not be invaded by a shithole Imperialist terrorist state in a landgrab war when they were never even threatening them.
Fucking insane this needs to be explained.
You really don't.
We all think you're a disengenous fool who justifies Russian atrocities under the guise of being "just".
Because the world is interested in avoiding war. China is the belligerent here and it makes sense that Taiwan would want to persue a measured approach... Unlike China ramming ships in the Philippines and performing constant military drills around Taiwan...
"Pushing for more forever wars" - you are also just parroting Russian propaganda and apparently completely absolvong Russia of any responsibility for the war that they and only they started.
There is no honest discussion in the trash you keep posting, just morons trying to appeal to the contrarian crowd.