
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 16 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago) (2 children)

If you read other sources it seems not to be without reason and they did the same with a self acclaimed nazi prinz before. They investigate then raid when there is enough concern, and if they find evidence that the group goes against the german constitution, they shut the group down. It doesn't seem to be just another isreal anti semit action. There are radical islamists in Germany and its good they are stopped before spreading. I am against the genocide, but there are islamists who want to push their woman oppression and other extrem views using the genocide to spread their views, both extrems suck.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Delicious in Dungeon

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Trump is also openly pro genocide so why would this be an argument.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

No I think the US doesn't care whether Germany gets attacked or not as long as they profit from the war and reach their strategic goal's. Germany is a great spot to put some long range attack missiles to threaten Russia.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Does that change anything?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Look its pretty simple, you don't want your country to be a big threat/strategic target for Putin.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Buy in bulk and learn to cook, the knowledge is free on yt. You don't need a yt sub, just use ublock addon to block ads.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

In the end we need any solution that reduces emissions. Nuclear could be one of those, especially the thorium reactors that can burn some of the existing nuclear waste, are looking promising. Other than that, renewables are the way to go for sure. Still it won't solve other carbon sources, its just the energy sector. It cannot fix agriculture emissions, but maybe indirectly the building emissions, with new tech like electrically recycled concrete or green steel.

Will this happen in our current society... probably not, its just more profitable to fck the planet.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (10 children)

Please don't...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Or your post gets deleted by a mod


When I looked at the different political systems currently in place around the world. I noticed one core issue. Power corrupts people, be it democratic elected, rich or authoritarian there is always an incentive to abuse said power for personal gain. It also attracts people who strive for power, who usually experienced a lack of control in life and are unsatisfied.

In an ideal world politicians should work for the good of the people, but that seems impossible in current systems.

So how do you build a system that doesn't insitivise using political power for personal gain. I think it is a rather tricky question.

Some of the ideas I had feel free to discuss:

  • Strictly limit the legislative period without exception. (minimizing the time exposed to power and possibility to using it for personal gain)
  • A politicians elected get permanently limited in their private posetions, in exchange for the opportunity to change policy. (you need to give away personal benefits in order to gain power)
  • Punishment for thresholds of personal gains. In our capitalist society for example, I cannot imagine any billionaire, who did not exploit and therefore use violence against other people in order to reach these riches. I think it is fair to assume, that no one can reach this amount of wealth, without any moral wrong doing. It therefore could be classified as a crime and procecuted as such.

Any criticism and ideas are welcome. I'm no expert, so excuse me if I got something wrong. These are just ideas.


I had this idea for an open source app like Spotify or YouTube, where everyone can join and add content to it. Consumers pay either by donation, subscription or ads to keep the server and development running (non profit) and increase the content creator pool of money.

Every click or view gives the artist a % of that money pool. But they get alot more when they still have little amounts of views and more if they are loyal to the platform. The more they get, they ll reach a point where they have enough money to support themselves by making music or videos.

After this point you get more or less exponatially less money per view, but in return they fund all the other starting artists with their success, while still having a solid but slower growing income source. Making monetary success a more community driven goal.

Just an idea any critique/addition is appreciated.


I have a trick at my work as a developer to gain hyperfocus on difficult tasks, with 3 simple steps.

Step 1. Prime your brain Search for content on the internet like youtube videos, Tutorials, articles etc. anything that is somewhat related to the task and interesting to watch and even enjoyable. Your mind needs to latch onto it. Keep doing this and procrastinate until...

Step 2. Take the insipirational exit At some point your minds interested will peak and your mind wonders how to solve this yourself. Its going to itchband you will not be able to sit still. Take the inspirational exit and jump straight into your project.

Step 3. Its focus time! You mind is now filled with ideas and you jump into work. You start with the easiest thing and your mind will keep pushing you to finish all those great ideas it got from watching/reading all that content. Go from easy to hard to stay in the flow state, but this will mostly solve itself.

If everything works out, time will fly and you will have completed the task using your hyper focus. If not repeat Step 1.

This method works best with programming or digital art, but can also be applied to anything else.

Hope that helps some of you.


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