Half of all jobs people can't live on . https://www.cbsnews.com/news/minimum-wage-2019-almost-half-of-all-americans-work-in-low-wage-jobs/
These are not jobs that a person can live on so they do not count.
Maga Republicans must pay a social and economic price for their fascist views. We need a pin or a hat that supports democracy as a fuck you to the red hats.
Nope. Freedom is Freedom. Can't compromise with extremists. Burn any book whenever, wherever. If you're offended, tough cookies.
There is no such thing as an introvert. Only people that don't know they are cool yet.
So China does not allow American companies in china nor do they allow most imports. Then they steal any ip they can get ahold of. Then you complain about the free market in a totalitarian state? Yeah, nah.
The problem is that right wing radio and fox primed their audience to believe bullshit. Then media changed and people got their news from youtube and Twitter. Fox has been struggling to regain the narrative but they can't.
The bare minimum before falling into poverty.
Quick question, what percentage of jobs in America do you think pay below a living wage?
That's not how global politics work. Your idealism is extreme.