The do this on purpose. Chelsea Fagan from The Financial Diet had a great video about this
The "zoomies" I get post-run
Don't count him out yet. Change is slow. I know we're used to hearing about revolutions in the aftermath, with the whole complete story. We're living one now, and it'll go slowly at first.
Not sure how to link to other subs, but this looks like it begins in Accidental Renaissance
CBT can definitely feel that way but maybe if you view it as a way to explore the feelings and thoughts you have an examine if you really believe they're true, that might help? Like... Not everything you think is true. But it makes you feel some kinda way. So sometimes pulling it out and examining in and looking for a new direction to take some thoughts can be really helpful.
Going to the gym to swim then sit in the sauna on cold winter evenings.
House cat, for sure.
The cognitive dissonance is also the point...
I wonder this in my own little yard, too!
So we make it the rule in our circle, and hope people pass it on!
My hope is that people really radicalize and realize that it takes others to really thrive and fight in a world/system/government built to neglect. I how people band together more and build stronger communities and practice mutual aid, etc. And that people learn what white supremacy really is...
You could look into rewilding the land