Maldini Kacurri come on down!!!
Do I even want to watch 🤣🤣
Fucking hell they really took their frustrations out huh
Wasn't it pancake day? I love me some Dutch pancakes
7??????!!!! My some for the weekend lads
The men's team makes me depressed... The women's team makes me have heart problems 🤣
I think for the sake of my mental health I'm not going to concentrate much on football the rest of the season. There's enough stressful shit going on in the country as is.
I walked out of that movie not caring about any of those characters (maybe Gil and Thena but they weren't even a big part)...part of what makes MCU great is that you end up caring about what happens to the characters at the end and the future. I couldn't care less about the Eternals.
We were just poor. That's it. Poor.
Didn't do ourselves any favors today either my dude. Sigh...
Sterling isn't going to save us
They're gonna play 7 at the back this weekend against now, aren't they?