Yeah mine was not super into the movies, scifi/ fantasy aren't her thing but she tried. But that part still got her. She audibly gasped and shouted 'no!' And then the scene with him and aragorn she was riveted. That was the only part of the trilogy that held her like that.
Can't tell if you're joking about the Boromir part. But if you're not, you're dead wrong. He only ever did what he thought was in the best interests of his people. For his entire life, he has grown up facing an incredible evil on his doorstep, watched his countrymen die, and as the heir to the Steward it was all on his shoulders. In the end, he realized he was wrong and he gave his life trying to make up for it.
"Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?" -Leia
I have a sorceress build that is primarily focused on lightning with some frost for defence and utility. I've stacked as much extra damage on cc'd enemies as possible and it gets pretty wild.
That's evolution, my friend. Peak DM mindset.
XD I know, I have no problem with it. This is an old meme I had saved on my phone, I didn't make it.
Full disclosure, I absolutely love it when my players take things off the rails.
Yeah man, I wasn't hating. Like I said, if your table is having fun then more power to you.
I mean, you do you, but that's like a lot of backstory for a level 2. If it's fun for you and your table, then more power to you.
Oooooh you're looking at it like an acronym. Yes, that makes no sense lol.