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[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago

Orpon ja EK:n haluttomuus/kyvyttömyys pitää Purran laumaa kurissa on sysännyt tämän maan hyvin vaaralliselle tielle.

Valtiovarainministeri julkaisee saksikuvia hymy huulillaan kun sosiaaliturvasta leikataan rankasti.

Oikeusministeri kertoi Oulun viimeisten puukotusten jälkeen tahtovansa antaa poliisille valtuudet tarkastaa kenen tahansa laukut ja taskut milloin vain "varmuuden varalta".

Elinkeinoministeri on mitä ilmeisimmin hyvin nuorista naisista/tytöistä kiinnostunut saalistaja, joka jatkaa surutta ja ylpeänä hyökkäyksiään hänen toimintaansa kommentoinutta mediaa kohtaan. Hallituspuolueet antoivat kuitenkin (lähes) täyden tukensa tälle pikku veijarille eduskunnan luottamusäänestyksessä. Ministeri Ilkka Kanerva erosi aikanaan omatoimisesti, kun jäi kiinni läheteltyään tekstiviestejä stripparille ja yriteltyään peitellä asiaa valehtelemalla. Nykymenon valossa ei voi kuin ihailla Kanervan selkärankaa.

Kansanedustaja Mäkelä ulisee mediassa siitä, että oikeustieteen emeritusprofessori kehtaa nostaa haastattelussa esille syvän huolensa perustuslakivaliokunnan politisoitumisesta ja oikeusvaltioperiaatteen murenemisesta.

Jos joku olisi 10 vuotta sitten väittänyt, että mikään edellämainituista olisi ollut hyväksyttävää tai edes siedettävää toimintaa kansanedustajalta tai ministeriltä, hänet olisi naurettu ulos keskustelusta samantien.

Mutta tällä mennään, kun kansa ei vaan tiedä.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

According to Wikipedia, one S-500 system has a ~ $2.5 billion price tag and it still is unable to protect itself ;)

Destroying one with nearly any ordnance available will give you the best bang for a buck one can possibly get. The murderous thieves may find it very hard to replace these with the sanctions up, which is nice.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

This is without a doubt the best cover version of "Paranoid" I have ever heard.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Oh, the first one is a legendary classic. Finland has got the "do direct covers of all the German hits from the 70's" - scene well covered:


[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 weeks ago (15 children)

I wish they had left the 32nd century as a "Discovery - only". After the jump to the future it felt like the show had no stakes. Everything felt disconnected.

It feels like an easy excuse for the writers to pull just about anything out of their asses, "because it has been so long" and "tech has evolved exponentially".

SNW proved that there was a lot more to explore even in the 23rd century. So much could have been done with the fallout of the Dominion War in the 24th.

But it's all up to the writers. If they're good the show can be good.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Indeed it is. And still our right wing populists are constantly screeching how the "general media is clearly and unfairly left-biased," and "how the other side of the story remains untold".

No shit, Sherlock. Nearly all journalists have college or university degrees, that's what happens when you open your mind to the larger world.

[–] [email protected] 34 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (8 children)

This, definitely.

We got to live our teens and twenties without smartphones and social media - and it was so awesome.

You did something incredibly embarassing last weekend when you were drunk? No need to worry about photos or videos online and nobody would remember or care a few weeks later.

You date someone a few times and things don't match up? You move on, no need to worry about them stalking or badmouthing you online.

The world seemed to be on a course for the better and the dumbass populist movements were marginal in most countries. Future looked bright and it was easy to be carefree. We got to enjoy our youths.

There were no short or vertical videos. You had to read vast majority of the information available, which made you actually process the info. And someone had put in the effort to write the stuff coherently, because no-one would read the kind of crap that video bloggers are spewing out of their mouths.

By the time we started working, the economic situation was mostly stable and getting a loan for a house or an apartment was pretty much guaranteed.

And so much more. I count myself extremely lucky to have been born in the late 70's.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 4 weeks ago

I had the same exact approach back in the late 90's. My friends had several band projects and when they were mixing their demos, I insisted that if the mixes sound good in a standard car stereo, they'll sound good anywhere.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

I can do this too.

It's fun to watch people freak out when one can raise his body hair up on command. And since I have an abundance of body hair, the effect is pretty profound.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Leaf blowers in small yards are pointless, agreed. I would never use one in the suburbs.

But I do own one and I use it at my family's farm, for one day every autumn. It would take 3-4 days just to rake the leaves, with the blower I can easily create large piles here and there. Then I gather all the piles and take them to my leaf compost heap.

Before the blower this used to take a full week. Now I can clear all the lawns in just two days.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yes, I do have severe deuteranomaly. Diagnosed when I was 6 years old.

I've read quite a lot about this, there are many cases where red/green blind people have exhibited above average night vision.

I was also very good at spotting camouflage, since the patterns were designed to fool people with normal colour vision. The only time my colour blindness was a disadvantage was in a contest between regiments, I had to direct artillery fire as fast as possible and the targets were big red boxes in front of the treeline.

Our lieutenant lost his shit when he realized that he had a colour blind forward observer. We still won the contest, my squad handled the measurements impeccably and I verified them on the map. There was discussion of transfering me to other duties after this, but when I asked "Sir, how many big red box targets are there are in real war?" they quickly dropped the issue.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

During my military service I also discovered that I had exceptional night vision. I never stumbled in the dark forest and I could even read maps when others couldn't see shit. I didn't pay much attention to this quirk, but my commanding officer realized this and put it to good use. The following overnight recon patrols on foot and skis felt endless.

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