Anyone got a good lead on a Replicant-capable phone? I'm currently running LineageOS on my phone, which is alright. But, of course, it has a bunch of proprietary firmware and I think proprietary drivers in it. I have a tablet that runs Replicant, and I love it, because it's 100% free open source software. I chose not to add any proprietary firmware to my Replicant tablet's image, so it doesn't handle video that well, but it's good enough for what I need.
I'd love to get a new phone that could be as FOSS as possible. Either Replicant, or maybe a modified LineageOS, or perhaps something else if anyone has any good ideas!
I have only a bit of experience with Android at the low level, but I know a little bit about adb and unlocking bootloaders and stuff.
If a minimum wage worker started working at age 18, and worked until 67 (the retirement age set by the US Social Security Administration) and worked 40 hours a week every week, they would make less than a million dollars in their life (at the US federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour).
So, a millionaire with $10M would have to spend more than 10 lifetimes making up the overpayment.
A billionaire with $1B would have to spend more than 1000 lifetimes.
A billionaire with $200B would have to spend 269,745 lifetimes.