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[–] Legge 9 points 7 months ago (4 children)

It's correct how it is. It's acting as an adjective, as if you said "red shelter." "Migrant's shelter" would mean the shelter belongs to one migrant. "Migrants' shelter" would mean the shelter belongs to a group of migrants, which is also incorrect because they do not own it. Hope this helps :)

[–] Legge 4 points 7 months ago

Yes, I think it comes from the same rule. Estados Unidos is plural, so the abbreviation is doubled single letters. Sometimes English does this too (pp. for pages or §§ for sections). There are other examples in Spanish too.

[–] Legge 2 points 7 months ago

It matters more, in my opinion, for stuff like pizza because there isn't already flour. The melting is noticeably different between shredded mozz and a block of low-moisture you cut or shredded yourself. But for cheese sauces and stuff I agree there isn't really a difference

[–] Legge 9 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

Kerrygold (and other imported-to-US/European, "fancy," etc.) butter just tastes better. It has more fat content than land o lakes, for example, which contributes. The unsalted version is also cultured, and that makes a difference too. It's definitely worth the price in any use where the butter flavor is important. In baking, maybe it's not as worth it, but even then I'd still use it over a US brand.

[–] Legge 4 points 8 months ago

Cottage cheese with granola. Similar to yogurt but I think cottage cheese is more palatable. The low fat version (often 1% or 2% instead of whole/ full fat) doesn't have as strong a taste to me and is covered pretty easily by granola if you don't like the flavor of cottage cheese. I also recommend store brand for the same reason—the taste is less strong, it seem, than name brand. For example, I think Daisy cottage cheese tastes a lot like their sour cream and just doesn't work as well as whatever store brand is available (and often cheaper) right next to it.

Sometimes I add a little jam or something too, which is also good

[–] Legge 22 points 8 months ago

Cancer. Sure, people realize you undergo treatment for a while. You may be in the hospital for a bit. You're very sick but you do your best. Eventually (maybe) you get to some state termed "remission." You're probably no longer being admitted to the hospital at this point. So you're basically all better right?

No. Not at all.

There are lingering problems that vary among patients. It's hard to explain. Very few people understand what it's like to feel under the weather for days, weeks, months. To live with the fear of relapse. To wonder if the chemo you underwent will cause you to develop a secondary cancer later. To have bone damage from steroids. To have increased sensitivity (read: pain) in many senses/ places from the courses of radiation. To have to fight harder for jobs if you lost yours (or didn't have one) and now have a gap. You may be such a determined, hard worker, but it doesn't take much to be seen as a liability.

Even if someone thinks they understand, they really probably don't. You dont even fully understand what's happening—today you wake up and just can't. You're tired. You're trying but you're so tired.

I can't get too upset, I guess, with people who don't understand. But I wish they could. Things may get better, but they'll never really be back to "normal," whatever that even means.

[–] Legge 2 points 8 months ago

Kroger too—no tap payments. Instead, you have to use their Kroger app's QR code. It sucks

[–] Legge 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I believe the biggest reason to upgrade is for space efficiency, even if the cost takes longer to recoup. Also, for the xx5 village, the output is based on the value spent on the farms it absorbs. So, the more expensive farms mean that the xx5 that absorbs them will give more income.

Without the upgrades (e.g., beyond marketplace), it can be hard to afford some of the most expensive upgrades/ the Paragon monkeys too.

[–] Legge 1 points 11 months ago

Rick Riordan is great!

[–] Legge 1 points 11 months ago

For me, the first search result started being an ad a few months ago. I accidentally clicked them a couple times before realizing and then paying more attention. Android 13 and Android 11 (2 different devices) both in US

[–] Legge 39 points 11 months ago (3 children)

40c is 104f. The article mentions possibly peaking at 48c, which is 118f. In case anyone thought something was a little off

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